Adoption: A Road to Retrieval

Bibliographic information:

Trumper, Tim J. R. Adoption: A Road to Retrieval. Grand Rapids, MI: From His Fullness Ministries, 2022.


In his latest and most significant plea for the retrieval of the doctrine of adoption, Dr. Trumper goes full-on, offering:

* The fullest history of the doctrine to date.
* An eye-opening explanation of its historic neglect.
* Thrilling insights into the metaphorical pluses of adoption.
* A profound and uncluttered exposition of the apostle’s model.
* Rich personal and communal applications.
* Proposed reforms to the discipline of systematic theology.

This ground-breaking study will feed your mind, touch your heart, enhance your praise of God, and promote the health of the church.


From His Fullness Ministries (website: