Studies of John Webster have consistently focused on tracing his approach to various doctrinal loci over the course of his career or interacting with particular sets of essays (most notably those collected in his later years in the titles Domain of the Word and God without Measure 1 and 2). Less attention has been given to his earlier publications, particularly those written before and then immediately after the completion of his doctoral studies during his first post at Durham (thus covering the years 1980–1986). Close analysis of these early texts reveals that many of the characteristics which came to so clearly mark his later work were already present in his early works, if only in seed form. The paper proceeds as follows. First, it focuses on two of his early projects—a booklet introducing the thought of Rudolph Bultmann and a lay-level treatment of the incarnation entitled God Is Here! Believing in the Incarnation Today—as well as accompanying essays on the same topics. Second, it examines his treatment of Eberhard Jüngel, primarily through his doctoral work but also by way of the essays he continued to produce on Jüngel during the time period in question. The paper argues that from the beginning of his career Webster was preoccupied with maintaining proper order and proportion in the work of theology, wanting to avoid any approach that subjected theology to determination by anthropological concerns and practices, concerns which he maintains throughout his career. This is evident in his confessional approach to the theological task and his persistent emphasis on a Christologically determined account God and all things relative to him. The paper shows that while Webster certainly developed and matured in the way he articulated those concerns, they are present from the very beginning. It thus provides a frame of reference for reading Webster’s early work.