The Covenant Life

Bibliographic information:

Cho, David. The Covenant Life: Find Your God-Given Purpose in Life. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2020.



This book teaches Christians about their God-given purpose in life. Many people may not know their purpose in life even after they become believers in Jesus Christ. The Bible shows that each believer is a covenant being, meaning that he/she has a God-given spiritual purpose in life (a covenant). Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, Nehemiah, Peter, John, and Paul lived covenant lives before God. It is important that each believer realizes and believes that he/she has a personal covenant with God just like these people, although his/her personal covenant is different from those of biblical figures.

The covenant life is inextricably related to our life of holiness, or sanctification. Sanctification is the way through which this covenant is actualized in our life. Thus, the covenant gives the answer to the question, “Why am I here?” And sanctification gives the answer to the question, “How should I live that life in the world?”

The covenant person lives as a steward of Jesus Christ. The stewardship is the guiding principle for this person as he relates to material things in the world. And justice is the guiding principle for the covenant person as he relates to other people.


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