Paper Submission Review

Click the title of the page you would like to review.

Gender as Love and Trans* Formation: An International Inquiry

Persecution, Perseverance and the Mission of the Church in Hebrews

Disabling Worship: Evaluating Worship Practices to Welcome Individuals with Disabilities

Jonathan Edwards’s Doctrine of Divine Self-Enlargement for Christian Formation: A Proposal

Who Does Paul Mean by the “Wretched Man” in Rom 7:24?

Script, Score, or Steak? Engaging Global Evangelicals with More Accessible Models for Scripture

A Response to J. V. Fesko’s Critique of John Piper’s Use of the Reformed Tradition

Richard Hooker and William Perkins on the Nature and Obligations of the Christian Minister

How the Earliest Baptist Historians Used Confessions and Assemblies in Their Narrative Histories

Retrieving our Reformed Heritage on Spiritual Warfare — Theology and Practice

The Novel and Daring Approach of Jonathan Edwards’ Angelology vis-a-vis His Reformed Forebears

The Rise and Fall of Jeroboam

Irenaeus of Lyons and the Assumption of the Church

Exegetical Value of Textual Variants in Galatians 3:19

The Canonical Struggle of Revelation as Reflected in the Textual Variants

The Christological Portrayal of Epaphroditus in Phil 2:25-30

The Church, The Gospel, and Society: P.T. Forsyth’s Blueprint for Evangelicalism

100 Years before Darby: A Survey of the Seven Dispensations of John Shute Barrington (1678-1734)

Exercising Exorcism in Ethnodoxology

The Paradox of Pain in John 21:15–19: Glory by Following Jesus through Suffering

Global Outreach at the Beginning: Linear Alphabetic Script to the Early Iron Age

Something Old, Something New: Critical Reflection on “Transsexualism and Christian Marriage”

Ecumenism as a Post-WWII Evangelical Conundrum

Zephaniah’s Macrostructure: A Textlinguistic-Rhetorical Analysis

‘Soil Without a Seed’: Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples’ Exegesis of Ephesians 2:1-10

Deuteronomy’s Use of Scripture and the Dating of the Pentateuch

Two Kingdoms or One Temple? Determining The Escondido Covenantal Metaphysical Topography

The Separation of Church and State: Criswell’s Use of Religious Liberty to Justify Segregation

The Bugenhagen Option: Community Engagement for Evangelical Renewal

Eucharistic Koinonia: An Exploration in Theological Economics

Was Iznik’s “Underwater Basilica” the Site of the Council of Nicaea?

The Poetics of Preaching Isaiah: Using Biblical Poetics to Assist in Preaching Isaiah

What has Idrimi of Alalakh to do with Moses? Rethinking Theories of Pseudonymity for Deuteronomy

The Chosen, Evangelism, and Global Evangelicalism

Allusion or Illusion in John 20:19-23?

Redressing an Imbalance: Two Sides of Missions Historiography

The Greatest Conceived Being: A Trinitarian Response to Islamic Objections

Scholars and the Church—How God Has Used Intellectuals to Advance the Church

Scholarship and the Global Church—Why the Church Needs Scholars

An Evangelical Historiography

“Earnest to Maintain Religious Liberty”: Understanding C.H. Spurgeon’s Political Theology

R.C. Sproul’s “Chosen by God,” an Arminian Response

The Fear of the Lord as a Dispositional Belief

Exodus Motif in Adoption

Patronage and Reciprocity in Paul’s Metaphor of Adoption

“Glory to God”: An Edwardsean Analysis of what it Means to Glorify God

Bread and Barth: Food as Practical Model for Karl Barth’s Evangelical Theology

A Review of Nobody’s Mother: A Foray into History, Exegesis, and Hermeneutics


Clinging: The Anthropological Goal of Covenant Relationships

On the Disparity of Penalties in Deuteronomy 22:13-21

Evangelicalism and Biblical illiteracy

Why Highlight Nomina Sacra in New Testament Writings?

The Kingdom of God as “Colonizing” Power

The New Creation in Ephesians

To Whom Is Moses Preached? The Four Prohibitions and Gentile Synagogue Attendance in Acts 15:21

Did Old Covenant Believers Experience the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit? The NT Evidence

Bible-Belt Baptists on the West Coast: California as a Southern Baptist State

Simul iustus et peccator or Simul iustus et gemens?

The Image of God

“Spirit of Gentleness” and Korean Online Shaming: Restorative Approaches to Justice Addiction in

Inaugurated Eschatology and the Petrine Imagination: An Argument for the Unity of 1 and 2 Peter

Between Greifswald and Erlangen: Adolf Schlatter and Konrad Grass on Jesus Christ’s Divinity

Evangelical Theology and Positive Psychology: A Critical Examination of the Flourishing Project

From One Realm to Another: Definitive Sanctification and a Theological Reading of Leviticus

Pastoral Positioning and Missio-economics in Light of the New Testament and Ante-Nicene Fathers

How Will “All Israel Be Saved?” A New Translation of Ridderbos’s Commentary on Romans 11:25-32

Exploring the Foundation of Church Membership: Some New First Century Evidence for Consideration

A God-ward Orientation: Insights for Spiritual Formation from the Book of Job

A Metaphysical Image of God and the Possibility of Natural Theology

Stepping Stones to Scholarship: A New Way to Introduce Children to Biblical Scholarship

American Evangelical Isolationism in Carl F.H. Henry’s Day and Ours

To whom else shall we go? Global evangelicalism and the rise of modern paganism

Matthew’s Passion Narrative, the Psalms, and the Ascension

The Messiah and the Har Magedon Conflict in the Psalms

Apocalypse as Processional: John’s Visions in the Shadow of the Aphrodisias Sebasteion

The Shifting Sands of Canonicity: al-Shāṭibī’s De-Canonization of the Qurʾān

Prevenient Grace Through the Lens of Henry Hammond’s Seventeenth-Century Anglican Arminianism

Urgency for the Spectators: Revelation Confronts the Audience in Narrative Asides & Digressions

Habakkuk as Concentric Literary Triptych: A Fresh Proposal for Structure and Why It Matters

Democratizing Authority in New England During the First Great Awakening

Saved, “but only as through Fire”? Sarcasm in 1 Corinthians 3:15

The Christology of Theodore of Mopsuestia in his Commentary on the Gospel of John

Divergent Disciples: John Chrysostom, Theodore of Mopsuestia, and Antiochene Christology.

Toward a Theology of Work for Everyone

Two-Minds Christology and the Cartesian Intuition

What Hath Saul Kripke to Do with Nestorius and Karl Rahner?

A Setting for Titus within the Narrative of Acts


Rethinking the Frequency, Primacy and Utility of Attendant Circumstance Participles

Apprehending the Kingdom: The Church According to Dallas Willard

The Crown of Creation in Genesis 1

‘You Shall See My Back, But My Face Shall Not Be Seen’: The Energy-Essence Distinction

‘Man and God Blended’: Analysis of Pre-Chalcedonian Mixture Christology

Whatever Happened to Church Growth?: Rise, Decline, and Condition

Beyond Independence: John Webster’s Reclamation of Aseity as a Basis for Trinitarian Theology

The Exodus Pattern in the Genesis Narrative

Evangelisch and Evangelical: The German Bishops’ American Tour

Sobriety and Speech in Greco-Roman Moralists and Jewish Wisdom with Reference to 1 Timothy 5:23

Extending the Arguments of Instone-Brewer on the NT Exceptions for Divorce: A Holistic Approach

The Eschatology of Matthew 22:23-32 as Completing the Matthean Theology of Marriage

Investigating the Role of Divine Aseity in the Classical Theism vs Theistic Personalism Debate

Blessing Sodom and Galatia: Understanding Paul’s Use of Scripture in Galatians 3:8

Love as an Ingredient in Justifying Faith: Jonathan Edwards Contra the Reformed Tradition?

‘Let Your Peace Return to You’: Inhospitality and Judgment in Biblical Theology

Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nazianzus: Comparing Their Doctrines of the Holy Spirit

The Divine Pursuit of Samaria: SFL-based Intertextuality in Hosea and John 4

The poetics of clause-initial yiqtol constructions in Hosea in discourse-linguistic perspective

Gregory of Nyssa’s: On the Holy Spirit, Against the Followers of Macedonius

The Concerning “Evangelical” Growth in Latin America and What the Western Church Can do to Help

‘Gain’ (yitron) Versus ‘Reward’ (heleq) in Ecclesiastes: What’s the Difference?

Holy Meat and Dead Bodies: How Jesus Reverses Haggai 2:10–14 in Mark 5:21–43

“Where Is Your King to Save You?”: Hosea’s Kingly Critique

“Sufficient for What? Calvin, Scripture, and Soul Care”

Communion with the Triune God: A Nuptial Incorporative Account

“A Sacrifice to Make Things Right: Christ’s Atonement and the Struggles of OCD”

The Corpus Nazianzenum and Syriac Christian Learning, as Seen Through Manuscript Commentaries

Luke 9:51 and 10:38–42, How Resolute Is “Resolute”?

A Theological Interpretation of Ignorance for Globalized Evangelical Theology

Indigenization Strength and Syncretism Risk of Watchman Nee’s Spiritual Knowledge Teaching

Building a Solid Foundation; A Call to Look at אבד More Deeply

A Journey to Spiritual Growth: A Model For Discipling Hispanic Immigrant Communities

Towards A Biblical Theology of Natural Theology

“There is No Longer Male and Female”: The Coherence of Pauline Principle and Instruction

Clothed in Christ: Paul’s View of Women as Citizens of the New Creation

Isaiah and the Canon: Exploring Isaiah Within the Prophetic Corpus

Is This Judgment? Death and Restoration in the Metaphorical World of the Apocalypse

Evangelical Contextual Christology in Latin America: Tensions and Challenges

Core Message of Speeches in Acts and High Christology

Intention and the Text in the New Testament Studies

Reading Creation as a Hospitable Text: Bonaventure, the Book of Nature, and Prayer

Luke 9:51 and 10:38–42, How Resolute Is “Resolute”?

A Theology of Liberation at Fifty: Gutierrez and the Evangelical Social Justice Movement

Global Contextualized Interpretations of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7)

Did Old Covenant Believers Experience the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit? The NT Evidence

Realizing the Unrealized: Noun Valency as the Key to the Meaning of Genesis 1:1

To all the NATIONS: The Role of Missions in Changing Views of Race in the SBC

Floods, Famines, and Fires: Origen on “Natural Evil”

Splitting Heirs: When the Land was Divided (Genesis 10:25)

Seraphim, Satan, and Serpents

Isaiah 28:23-29 as an Argument for Wisdom Literature as General Revelation

The Interpretations of the Song of Songs According to the Spin Doctors and Two Princes.

Memory and the Interpretative Options of Jesus’ Resurrection

Mark’s Christological Strategy—On the Road to Nicaea

Quit Despising Wood, Hay, and Stubble, They’re People Too! Reconsidering 1 Corinthians 3:12

The Hybrid Identities of Digital Communities and their Implications for Global Evangelicalism

Title: How Discourse Markers Shape Continuity and Discontinuity in Prophetic Speech

Preaching God’s Sovereign Choice: Eliab was justified from a human point of View.

Insubordinate Subordinates: Bringing Our Understanding of kî Up to Date with Modern Linguistics

A Pauline Theology from Pseudonymous Letters?

Theosis in Recent Protestant Thought: Movers, Shakers, Mystics, and More.

Pandita Ramabai’s Culturally Sensitive Translation as a Model for Global Evangelicalism

Manifest Unity, Faithful Witness: An Evangelical, Free Church Case for More Frequent Communion

Reappropriating Joy: Persian Liturgy and Theology in Nehemiah 8

Biblical Support for Iran’s Mandate for Females to Wear the Manteau and Rousari

Iranian Christianity, Religious Liberty, and the Gospel

The Necessity & Method of Distinguishing Myth, History & Divine Acts in Biblical Interpretation

Jonah and the Son of Jonah’s Call to the Gentiles

Deification of Christ’s Flesh and Ours According to Athanasius’ Contra Arianos


The Four Senses of Scripture: Recovering an Ancient Way of Reading for Today

What is the Literal Sense? A Brief Historical Review and Then Proposal

A Biblical Case for the Office and Work of the Evangelist

Preaching as Therapy: Augustinian Anthropology for Christian Proclamation

Faith and the Future: The Articular Substantival Participle of πιστεύω in John’s Gospel

The Borders of Salvation: Abraham, Jesus, and Global Evangelicalism in the Gospel of Luke

Patterns of Word Order and Syntax in the Pastoral Epistles: Comparing the Letters

The Poetics of Psalm 122

Clement of Alexandria’s Musical Thought: The State of the Question and New Opportunities

The Pharisees in Acts – A Field Theory Approach

What is given to Jesus as the “Prophet like Moses” in John 6:35-40?

Comparing the Greek and Hebrew Discourse Structure of Haggai

“Changing the Subject: Suicide in the Evangelical Imagination”

Divine Stability: Participation as an Apologetic Response to Process Theology

Silenced Woman: The Levite’s Concubine, Trauma, and the Corruption of Religious Authority

From Babel to Pentecost & Beyond: A Biblical-Theological Response to Stephen Wolfe’s Nationalism

The Role of Ruth in the Canon: Defining Sacred Space

Saved from Demons? Soteriological and Demonological Insights from Byang Kato

Salvation Acquired and Applied: A Response to Sarah A Coakley’s Reflexive Model of the Trinity

Christological and Anthropological Implications for Calvin’s Account of the Beatific Vision

The Underwater Basilica at Nicaea: Was This the Place Where the Council Met?

The Anti-Feast of Purim? Esther and YHWH-less Israelite Nationalism

Reading Scripture with the global evangelical community: a case for extra-modern hermeneutics

The Other: Torah Codes, Redemptive Movement Hermeneutics and Global Evangelicalism

John 14 in Context: A New Halakah through Christ as Sacred Space and Sacrificial Lamb

Upending the Establishment: Religious Rhetoric as Guerilla Warfare in the Early Republic

“Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?”: The Challenge of Finding and Preaching Jesus in James

Rhetorical Parallels: Connecting John 4:1-43 “inside” the Gospel of John

God’s Covenant Speaking

Insights Into Baptist Historiography in the Reception of John Gill

The Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart: Formative Narrative Approach

Benjamin Keach: A Mystical Union and the Communication of Attributes

A Simple Answer: The Historical Use of Divine Simplicity in Polemics and Apologetics

Simply the Best: Divine Simplicity as a Necessary Component of Successful Ontological Arguments

The Saffron Saint: Sadhu Sundar Singh’s Influence and Impact on Indian Christianity

Rhetoric and Intertextuality in 1 John 1

Josiah’s Reform As a Preparation of the Restoration of the Post-exilic Yehudite Community

Global Evangelical Hermeneutics and African Readings of Ephesians

Ancient Kings and Modern Rulers: Israel’s Monarchy and the Construction of Political Power

Wang Yi’s “Faithful Disobedience” and Protestant Resistance Theory (PRT)

The Use of Gary Smalley and John Trent’s Book The Blessing As A Framework for Academic Pastoral

Perspectives on Boko Haram’s Stated Ideology: What Are Christians and Non-Christians Saying?

Christ as Ontological and Moral Exemplar according to a Bonaventurian Metaphysic

Climbing with Christ: a Biblical Evaluation of Christ’s Exemplarity through Mountain Motif

A Lawful Death: Νόμος, Agency, and Paul in Galatians 2:19

“Abide in Him”: A Trinitarian Reading of 1 John 2:28–3:3

How to Harmonize the Genealogies of “Jesus the Messiah” in Matthew and Luke’s Gospels

Canonical Capstone: The Great Commission In Its Jewish Symbolic World

A Case for the Reading, “Nymphas and the Church in His House” (Colossians 4:15)

The Cosmic Conflict: Jesus Against the Devil in the Letter to the Church in Smyrna (Rev 2.8-11)

Body-Soul Relationship in Global Evangelicalism: Examining Assimilative Therapeutic Faith for He

Swimming Against The Tide: The Evangelistic Conversion Of Orestes Brownson To Catholicism

Global Evangelicalism – in the Next Dispensation

How to Read a Theology Book

Pottery Manufacturing: Anthropomorphism versus Theophany in the Formation of Adam and Eve

The Development of the Metobelus in Origen’s System According to Codex Colbertinus-Sarravianus

Thomas Traherne’s Biblical Spirituality of Meditation

The Perfect Tense in John 3:13: Universal Meaning and Interpretive Irrelevance

Paul’s Global Networks and Strategy for Christian Identity Formation with Corinthian Letters

New Proposal of Historical Sociolinguistics for Biblical Studies

Evaluating Historical Objectivity in Chronicles: Insights from Kenneth Latourette’s Perspective

Marcus Cheng (1884–1963) and Chinese Pneumatology

Joseph Kinghorn (1766–1832) and the Baptist Missionary Society

Still Seeking an Autograph: The Protomasoretic Tradition and OT Autographs

The Kansas City Prophets in London, 1990: Charismatic Controversy in Transatlantic Perspective

Spheres of Witness: A Constructive Kuyperian Account in Dialogue with Barth’s Notion of Vocation

Aquinas on the Beatific Vision: Participation, Christology, and Seeing God’s Essence

Global Exegesis and Theology: A Taxonomy of Approaches

Is Man the Head of Woman? Revisiting Kephalē in 1 Cor 11:3

A Thomistic Ontology of the Law and Its Implications on the Continuity and Discontinuity Debate

Appu and Adam: Divinely (Un)Controlled Awakening

Sarah: A Wife Ignored (Gen 15–16)

Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as God-Given Means of Theological Triage

John of Damascus Approach to Islam: Critical Insights for Today’s Church

Sarah Edwards, Francis of Assisi, and the Bodily Aesthetics of Sanctification

Divine Identity & Theology: Richard Bauckham’s Divine Identity Framework and Modern Dogmatics

Reaching the Next Generation on YouTube: How to Successfully Engage a New Cultural Context

Debating nāśî in Ezekiel 40–48: Retrospective, Eschatological, or Present for the Future?

The Discontinuous Dialogues of Pilate and Jesus and the Rhetorical Problem of the Fourth Gospel

“The Words Are Spirit” (John 6:63): Johannine Help for Knowing the Person and Work of the Spirit

Assessing Liturgical Leadership Through Tolkien’s Theory of Storytelling

Rehearsing Our Redemption: How Liturgical Confession of Sin Shapes Our Life in the Gospel

What are we asking when we pray, “Lead us not into temptation”?

Bible on the Bosporus: Reformation Europe and the Orthodox Church

Social Distance and the First and Second Person in 1 John

Jesus’ “I AM” Statements in Light of Ancient Boasting

The Amanuensis Hypothesis Redivivus in Light of Recent Challenges

Biblical Foundations for the Necessity of Spiritual Mothers in the Church

A Voice from the Deep: The Influence of Orality on Jonah’s Prayer

God the Sovereign Creator: A Reassessment of the Role of “Creation Theology” in Ecclesiastes

The Emptied Word – Revelation, Power, and Kenotic Inspiration

Agony Until the World’s End – The Transformative Sufferings of the Ascended Christ

Qohelet’s Turning Point: Ecclesiastes 2:24–26 as the Transition Between Despair and Joy

Greater than Gold? How the Value of Clothing Informs the Exegesis of Key New Testament Passages

Monoculture or Counterculture: Authentic Christianity vs. Christendom in Kierkegaard’s Denmark

Promised Divine Bliss: A Christian Analysis of Transcendental Meditation

Paul’s Revealing Use of the Hardening Motif in Romans 9:17-18

Παράκλητος in the Johannine Corpus in Light of Anatolian Epigraphic Evidence

Explicit Argumentation and a Foretaste of the Future Hermeneutic in Revelation

Exporting Exposition: Preaching for the Global Diffusion of Evangelicalism

The Mistaken Identity of the Antichrist: A Critique of Early Church Theology and A Way Forward

“A Hopeless Task”? Searching for Francis Schaeffer’s Intellectual Heritage

Anaphora or Anacoluthia? Ariticular Ἄρτους in Mark 7:2

Richard Mouw’s “Divine Generosity”: Generous to a Fault?

Righteousness of God in Romans in Light of Isaiah

Paraclete and Prophetic Spirit: The Holy Spirit as Witness in the Fourth Gospel and Apocalypse

“Who Blinks First?”: Global South Anglicans vs. Canterbury

Tracing Allusive Threads: Memory, Oral Tradition, and Intertextuality in the New Testament

The Father-Son Relationship in the Trinity as Moral/Mystical: A Biblical-Theological Evaluation

“The Same Sadness We Know”: Grief and Suffering in Augustine’s Expositions of the Psalms

“More Than Characters”: Allusion and Characterization in the Fourth Gospel

The Gospel of John for All People: Global Evangelicalism and the Audience of the Fourth Gospel

The ‘Divine Council’ and Classical Theology: A Rapprochement

No Blind Dates! Reexamining the Date of the First Quire of John in Washingtonianus

A “capital part” of Salvation: Abraham Booth on the Necessity of Sanctification

“As for the lawfulness of keeping slaves I have no doubt”: George Whitefield and slavery

Did Any Evangelist Mess up the Location of Feeding Five Thousand?

Covenantal Providence: Bahala Na and Poverty in the Filipino Social Imaginary

Christ as Community: Bonhoeffer’s Life Together and the Filipino Virtue of Malasakit

Isaiah’s Third “Servant Song” as a Background to Hebrews 1:10–12

Creeds and Congregationalism: The Nexus of the Spirit, Scripture, Authority, and the People.

A Fresh Look at a Puzzling Parenthesis – Rom 5:13-14

Heaven a Place on Earth? Comparing Neo-Calvinist and Classical Theistic Eschatology

The Beginning is Half the Whole: Implications of Chronicles versus Psalms Beginning the Ketuvim

You Shall Not Slay Our Sisters: Christian Women And the Global Social Purity Movement, 1870-1910

A Little Lower than Elohim? The Exaltation of Humanity in Psalm 8

Summary of Israel’s Story and Biblical Theology

James 4:1-10 as the Epicenter of its Wisdom Literature Labyrinth Structure

Preserving Sacred Truths: John Gill’s Use of Patristic Sources in His Trinitarian Theology

John Gill the Patristic Scholar? Examining the Evidence

The “Major Methodological Flaw” in Studies about Early Christian Worship

The Last Adam Breathing Forth the Spirit: The Use of Genesis 2:7 in John 20:22

Global Evangelicals and the Public Square: Re-Engaging Francis Schaeffer after Forty Years

The Johannine Garden: A Biblical-Theological Analysis of the Use of κῆπος in John 18-20

Implications of Divine Impassibility for Christian Sanctification and Worship

Implications of John 5:16–27 for the Doctrine of Eternal Generation

Mercenaries and the Message: The Treatment of Foreign Soldiers as Evangelism in Ancient Judah

Text or Paratext? The Role of the Superscriptions in the Interpretation of the Psalms

Love as Part of Theological Method

Echoes of Cain in James 3:7-5:9 and the Problem of James 4:5

Curating Worship: How a Canon of Songs Teaches the Local Church about God

Defending the Social Trinity by Extending the Concept of Perichoresis

Renovating Our Images of God––and of Ourselves: Neuroscience and Whole-Brain Meditation

The Lindisfarne Gospels: A Theocentric Celebration of the Word

“I found a sweetness in the service of God”: The affective piety of Brilliana Harley

Baptism as the Confession of the Mouth in Romans 10:9

Lucifer as “King in Hell:” Jonathan Edwards on the Fall of the Angels

Is the Passover a Penal Sacrifice of Atonement?

In Search of a Lasting Zion: Increase Mather, Richard Baxter, and Transatlantic Millenarianism

A Holy and Wholly Christian Church: Ecclesiological Implications of Chrysostom’s Exegesis

Chief Luthulis ecclesiology & praxis in Let My People Go: an evangelical witness amid apartheid?

An Evaluation of the Neo-Calvinist Theology of the Spirit’s Work Among non-Christian Religions

“Does It Not Seem to You as Nothing?” Political Theology in the Persian Period Prophets

“The Hellenic Training”: Philosophy as Covenant in Clement of Alexandria’s Apologetic Appeal

Ephesians 4:8 as a Composite Citation of Psalm 68:19a, 36b

God’s Gracious Display before Heavenly Beings: A Global Perspective of the Church in Ephesians

The Purpose of the Historical Information in Amos 1:1

Baptist Spiritual Theology: The Means of Grace in The New Hampshire Confession

Seated at God’s Right Hand: Paul’s Use of Jewish Royal Ideology in Colossians

The Timing of Baptism: Immediate or Delayed?

The Pentateuch as Mosaic and a mosaic: An Evangelical Third Way

“Christ Jesus is the Fountain”: The Typology of Fountain in the Writings of Jonathan Edwards

Glorious Unveiling: Reconsidering the Apocalyptic Paul as Evangelicals

“Did the Ethiopian eunuch confess Christ in Acts 8:37? Or does absence of evidence count?”

How Many Races of Humanity? Contrasting Social Identities in Second-Century Christian Apologists

The Significance of Origen’s Hexapla for Biblical Studies

The Church and the Mob: Exploring Early Christian Attitudes toward Mob Violence

Ecclesial Apologetics: The Church as Argument for Christianity in the Second-Century Apologists

God’s family: the setting of Australian Indigenous language translations of the kingdom of God

The Two Layered Meaning of the Psalms

The Violent Trinity of Penal Substitution–Can Bavinck now Save Us?

Seeing the Psalmists as Seers: Evidence Connecting the Psalms to Prophets and to Prophecy

Beholding the Perfections of God: Scripture, Exegesis, and Knowledge of the Divine Attributes

Towards Filipinization: A Southern Baptist Story in the Philippines

Virtual Jesus and Iconography: A Pixelated Christology in the Digital Age

Ministry Under Hybridized Hyperdiversity: Insights from Subcontinental Migrants to Australia

Views Regarding the Fate of the Unevangelized During the Reformation Era

The historical contingency of the Christian household

The Confessio Petri in Luke 9:20: Is this an Overlooked Lukan Use of the Filiation Formula?

Clothed by the Spirit: The Characterisations of Amasai (1 Chr 12) and Zechariah (2 Chr 24)

Wardrobe Change: The Significance of a King’s Final Experience (2 Kgs 25:29)

The Artist In and For the Church: Toward A Theology of the Christian Arts

When God Asks a Question: An Echo of Eden in Mark 5:25-34

Scripture Meditation as Soul Medication: Imagination for the Sake of Transformation

Luke’s use of “the Way” in Acts 9-24 as an Ethnicity Equalizer

AI Robots: The Neighbor Love Framework as a Tool for Navigating the Ethics of Social Robots

The Light Shines in the Darkness – The Plotline of John’s Gospel in One Verse

Marginalized or not? Socio-religious Status of the Sick in New Testament Times

How Many Attributes in God? “Cambridge Attributes” and the Analogy of Symmetry Breaking

Artificial Intelligence from the perspectives of the East, the West and the Kingdom

Interpretive Questions Related to the Gift of the Spirit in John 20:22

So That He Might Be Ashamed: The Role of Shame in Church Discipline

A Happy Obligation: Christian Perfection and the Writings of Thomas Aquinas and John Wesley

Re-evaluating Barak, Samson, and Jephthah as men of faith in light of the rhetoric of Hebrews 11

The Tongues of Angels and the Mind of Christ

Divine Presence as a Jewish Extension of Divine Identity in John’s Gospel

Marcion’s New Teaching and the Church’s Resolution – Lessons for Late-Modern Theology Teaching

Paul’s Compound Words in 1 Timothy, the Old Testament Law, and the False Teaching in Ephesus

Preaching for Renewal: Edwards, Lloyd-Jones, and Keller

Watchman Nee’s Christology and Global Evangelicalism

C. S. Lewis and Artificial Intelligence

The Nomen Sacrum for Πνεῦμα in the LXX of Codex Alexandrinus

First Adam, Last Adam: The Apocalyptic Paul & Universal Salvation in Romans 5:18

“Then they will know that I AM YHWH”: Signs and Seals of the Two Covenants of Works

The Authoritative Use of Logic in the New Testament

Hope for Israel in a Time of Crisis: 4 Ezra, Romans, and Jeremiah

The Figurative Use of “Son” in the Old Testament: A Frame-Semantic Approach

Did the Book of Isaiah Misunderstand Paganism?

Samuel Miller (1769-1850) and Global Evangelicalism

Reconsidering the Colometry of the Psalms

The Macrostructure of First John

The Theme of Divine Preservation in the Book of Genesis

Welcoming the Evangelical Stranger: Showing Hospitality to Evangelical Immigrants

Mutuality among Global Evangelicals: The Evolution of Partnership Language in Missiology

In God’s Image for His Glory: the role of the Holy Spirit in image-bearing and theosis

“Everyone Will Be Salted with Fire”: Mark 9:49-50 and the Risk of Persecution

The Genre of Genesis 1: Genealogy as Historical Narrative

Global Nearness through Psalmic Cries: Psalm 145’s Use of Deuteronomy 4:7

Unpacking the “Putting on the New Self” Metaphor in Col 3:10 for insights into Paul’s Ethics

Unpacking the “Put on the Lord Jesus Christ” Metaphor in Rom 13:14 in its Context.

Crosscultural Mentorship of Margaret Barber on Watchman Nee in 20th-Century Chinese Christianity

Immigrants (גֵר) in the Pentateuchal Law Codes

Augustine, Social Media, and Narrative Shaping of the Self

Filling the Church: Plērōma as Architectural Completeness in Ephesians

“Healing for the Nations”: Seeing Jesus as the Fulfillment and Embodiment of the Tree of Life

Approaches to Discourse Analysis: A New Typology

Augustine, Social Media, and Narrative Shaping of the Self

Preaching to the Nations: The joys and complexity of preaching in a multicultural context

How Adoption Relates to Trinitarian Theology: A Critical Assessment of Schleiermacher

Bavinck on Archetypes: A Reformed Response to Orthodoxy’s Jonathan Pageau and Timothy Patitsas

Theological Diversity at the Pastors’ College under Charles Haddon Spurgeon

“Where’s the Beef?” Assessing the Contributions of Evangelical Contextual Theologies

Pro-Choice Legalism vs Pro-Life Grace: How Soteriology Informs Our Idea of Personhood

Elijah the Villain?: Parallels Between Elijah and Jezebel and Their Implications for Preaching

Faithful Unto Life: The Implications of Enoch’s and Elijah’s Disappearances for the Regenerate



Go means go, and “as you go” must die: A simplified argument for Matthew 28:19

The 2CD Gospel: Gospel Insights from the Revised Minkov-Hofstede Cultural Dimensions (CD)

“She Will Have Been”: Non-Past Qatal (Perfect) Verbs in Zechariah

The Representative Suffering of the Son of Man in Daniel 7

Reading “Peter” and “Jude” in Theological Dialogue within the Catholic Epistle Corpus

1 John as Middle-Man:The Gospel of John Kerygma in the Catholic Epistle Collection

Reading Genesis 1:1-3 from a Compositional Perspective

Franz Delitzsch, Historical-Critical Scholarship, and the Authorship of the Book of Isaiah

Isaiah’s Messianic Eschatology? An Analysis of the Intratextual Use of Isa 11:6–9 in 65:25

Christ The Afflicter: Reading Colossians 1:24 in the Shadow of Acts 9:16

Adorning the Gospel or Stripping it Bare: Case Studies in Christian Nationalism

The Witness of Wilfrido Sierra Castro: Two Panegyrics about a Holy Peasant

Charles Spurgeon’s ‘Flawed Paradox’: God’s Sovereignty & Human Responsibility

The Wind of the Spirit Is Blowing East: Ancestors, Deities, and the Holy Spirit in the Earliest

Soul Competency and the Theological Method of Edgar Young Mullins: A Critical Evaluation

Babylonian Masora in Tiberian Codices

Are Substance Dualists to Blame for Transgender Beliefs? A Brief Theological Note

Theological Impotence and the Universality of the Church: Reflections on the World and the Devil

Full, Conscious, and Active: Proposals on Participatory Efficacy in Worship’s Divine Realities

Keys to the Commission: Interpreting the Great Commission in an Ecclesial Frame

Bodily Resurrection and Gender Identity: A Response to Trans Affirming Proposals

What is Concupiscence and Does it Require Repentance?

Reading Our Worship, Reading Our Lives: Where Is the Wonder?

Keep His Commandments: Reevaluating the Presence of Torah in Qoheleth’s Discourse

Neither male nor female?: Resurrection, the Gospel, and a Theological Ethic of Gender Identity

Typology Studies since 2000: Continuous Debate and Current Trends

Out of Egypt: An Exodus from Minimalism in Hosea’s Use of Exodus

Covenant Language in the Apocalypse: The Meaning of τὴν ἄμμον τῆς θαλάσσης in Rev 12:18

Five Evangelical Misunderstandings Concerning Divine Revelation

Music and Morality: Contemporary Christian Music and the Referential Formalism of Kimberly Smith

Same but Different: The Meaning and (Mis)use of a Reformed Formula

God’s Accommodation for People with Disabilities: a New Interpretation of Leviticus 21

Risking the Cosmic Order: Echoes of Creation in Psalm 82:5

Piper on Saving Faith: A Response from Calvin and Aquinas

Beyond Type and Motif: A Comparative Analysis of Hezekiah’s Image Usage in Seals

The Absence of Augustine’s Christology in Recent Protestant Augustinian Political Theology

On Unity in the Faith: The Distance between Irenaeus of Lyons and Vincent of Lerins

Hannukah as an Extra-Biblical Type of the Christ: Jesus as the True Temple Fulfills the Festival

Knowing Good and Evil: Eight Universal Fundamentals of Society and Justice

Preaching Proverbs 31 with Sensitivity and Surprise

The Canonical Significance of Mindset: Implications for Interpretation and Evangelism

The Death of King Ahaziah in Chronicles and Kings: The Potential and Limits of Harmonization

From Union with Christ to “in the Hands of Christ”: Evaluating a Recent Proposal on en Christo

Theology for Coming to Terms with our WEIRDness

John R.W. Stott: A Key Leader in the 20th Century Expanse of Global Evangelicalism

Pastoral Polemics: An Argument for Controversialists

Reformed Worship: A Departure from the Church Fathers and the Church Catholic?

I/We, God, and the Enemy: Israel’s Lament as a Voice Calling for Social Justice

A Progressive Covenantal View of Animals in the Bible

Did Christ Die for Spot? Animals and Atonement

The Nazirite Forerunner and Birth From Barrenness: Typology or Narrative Analogy?

William Wilberforce: Respectable Religion, Revivalism, and the Growth of Evangelicalism

The Gentile Problem in Ephesians? Universal Plight as Prerequisite for a Healthy Global Church

Exploring the Priestly Role of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel: A Reassessment of Lukan Christology

A Lineage of Suffering:An Examination of Paul’s Theology of Suffering in 1 and 2 Thessalonians

A 4th Worldview: Existential-Transcendence: Rethinking How Other Cultures Understand the Gospel

Evil, ‘Life-Time,’ and the Missio Dei in Ephesians

A Comparative Analysis of Healing Reports in the Early Christian Literature

Text Structure: Discourse Analysis in James

The New Gods are Dying: Carl Henry’s Blueprint for an Effective Evangelical Witness

The Effect of Domestication of Transcendence on Modern Theological Views of Demonic Powers

Idolatry and Sinfulness in Wisdom of Solomon and Romans: A Textual and Theological Comparison

A Methodology for Developing Theological Hispanic Institutes for First Generation Immigrants

The Sons of God Motif in Light of Recent Canon-wide Biblical Theologies

The Fruit of the Spirit: A Revisionist Interpretation

Race-Ethnic Difference and the Local Church’s Missiological Obligations

Gender Identity, Human Dignity, and California’s “Gender-Affirming” Care Law

The Hybrid Identities of Digital Communities and Their Implications for Global Evangelicalism

Elijah’s Ascension: What It Taught Then, What It Teaches Now

Breaking Chains: Phoebe Palmer’s Populist Quest for Religious Liberty in the Old World

Emily Jackson’s Dangerous Legal Defense for Medicalized Killing

Job’s Soteriology: Proclaiming the Gospel through the defense of his integrity

The Holy Spirit as the Perfector of Divine Judgment and Implications for the Atonement

Confessions and Concessions: Bunyan, Baptist Identity, and Boundaries of Communion

All Theology Considered Sub Ratione Dei? Oswald Bayer and John Webster in Dialogue

George Whitefield’s Christocentric Preaching

What Has the Prague Linguistic Circle Contributed to Our Understanding of the Purpose of Acts

African American Preaching and the Influence of John Jasper

Paul, the Church, and Technological Innovation: A Path Forward for Global Christian Communities

A Dogmatic Model of Natural Theology in the Thought of Herman Bavinck

The Modern Areopagus – Learning a Theological Approach from Paul in Athens

And Now These Three Remain: Happiness, Holiness, and Hope

“What’s Love Got to Do with It (the book of Psalms)?” Everything

Moses and the Sight of God in Exodus: Seeing the Lord “Face to Face”

The Sight of God in the Bookends of Scripture: The Tree of Life and Heaven

From πιστεύειν to πίστις: Neglected Evidence for “Faith in Christ”

Is There An Aramaic Word for ‘Etcetera’?: The Rhetorical Function of Repetition in Daniel 3

Matthew Bates, Paul, and the Galatian Opponents: One King to Rule Them All?

The Complexity of ‘Charismatism’ among Evangelical Naga Baptists

Revisiting the Voices: Schizophrenia, Dissociative Identity Disorder, or/and Demon Possession?

The “Angels Who Sinned” as a “Dynamic Analogy” in 2 Peter

I/We, God, and the Enemy: Rhetorical and Theological Features of Lament in Israel vs. ANE

In Service to the (Local) Church: A Theology of Parachurch Ministries

Christ’s Two Natures and Reading John 11

The Conquest of Suffering: Revelation’s use of the Combat Myth in light of the Hebrew Theodicy

Myth and Scripture: An Evangelical Perspective

The influence of Scottish common-sense realism on the apologetics of Jonathan Edwards

Knowledge in the Public Square: Evolution, Epistemology, and Edgar Young Mullins

Handkerchiefs and Dragon-gold: J.R.R. Tolkien’s Doctrine and Danger of Wealth

Walk This Way: The Rhetorical Function of the Book of Isaiah

How Does the Lord’s Supper … Work? Reclaiming the Beauty of the “Ordinance”

David’s Response to YHWH in 2 Samuel 7:18–29 (= 1 Chr 17:16–27)

The Forgotten Father?

In Our Missional Work, the Holy Spirit Cares About Our Bodies

Paul and the Case of the Changing Vessels: 2 Tim 2:20-21 and Its Implications for Rom 9:20-23

The Lost Link in the Golden Chain: The Meaning of Προγινώσκω in Romans 8:29

God Not of the Dead but of the Living: A Case Study in the Predicate Use of Theos (“God”)

Jeremiah’s Integration of Wisdom: Knowing Yahweh through Creation and Covenant

Christ and the Shema: 1 Corinthians 8:6 Revisited

Qohelet, son of David, King in Jerusalem: Re-examining Qohelet’s Royal Perspective

What Christ Has Renewed: Singleness and New Humanity

Word, Spirit, and Power- Reformed Baptist Churches in Light of the Global Charismatic Movement

World Christianity and Ethic of Responsibility: The Case of the Filipino Concept of Pananagútan

Did Augustine Refute a Strawman? Revisiting the Pelagian Controversy

‘Divine Reciprocity’ in Philippians – A Semantic Model for Global Evangelicalism

Covenant, Mission and Worship: A Reuse of Exodus 19 and Isaiah 43 in 1 Peter 2:9

A Retrieval of Calvin’s Thought on Romans 9:6-29 in light of Paul’s Intent

Evangelicals in Persia 1811–1911: The Legacy of Henry Martyn

Functioning as God’s Representatives–An Essential Aspect of Bearing the Image of God

The Progressive Decline of the Doctrine of God’s Fatherhood: A Theological Analysis

Aquinas’ Commentary on the Psalms as a Window Into His Hermeneutic

The Role of Works in Reward and Punishment, but not Salvation, in Revelation

Conditional Forgiveness: When 1 John 1:9 does not work.

Paul the Ektrōma (Stillborn): Reappraising a Disturbing Metaphor of Death, Birth, and Trauma

How Do You Keep the Music Playing? Music in the Saul Narrative in 1 Samuel

A Global Spirit: Jonathan Edwards and the Earliest Evangelical Vision

A Baldy with a Death-Defying Body: The Function of Elisha’s Body in 2 Kings


Etymology and the Meaning of Θεόπνευστος in 2 Timothy 3:16

Billy Graham’s Formula for Evangelism and Its Impact on the Global Spread of Evangelicalism

Surrogate Motherhood: A Christian Ethical Analysis

Still One Race, One Gospel, One Task? Returning to the 1966 Berlin Congress on World Evangelism

The Perfection and Faithfulness of Jesus in Hebrews: Joining the Dots in Recent Scholarship

Reimagining Slavery: The Reception of Colossians 4:1 and Ephesians 6:9 in the Ancient Church

Sanctified by Beauty: Sanctification, The Beatific Vision, and Jonathan Edwards

Baptism from Above: What Did John’s “Ascended” Christ Say in John 3:3-5?

Who Told You That You Were Naked? A Reply to Hans Rookmaaker on Nudity in Art

Heritages of global evangelicalism in English Reformers’ self-identification as evangelicals

Baptism in Indian Christianity: An Inconvenient Convention or A Necessity?

Metaphysics and Mediation: The Place of Person in the Atonement

Eve Will Not Be Saved through Childbirth: A Better Reading of 1 Timothy 2:15

General Truths or Provocative Promises – Rethinking the Genre of Proverbs

“Called Holy”: 1 Cor 1.2 and the Theological Center of 1 Corinthians

Covenant, Mission, and Worship: A Reuse of Exodus 19 and Isaiah 43 in 1 Peter 2:9

“Do You See This Woman?”: Foregrounding Women’s Voices Within the Church and Academia

Praying to Jesus: Biblical Backing for a Common Practice

“Directing Parents”: Benjamin Keach and Early Baptist Education Endeavors

Philippians 3:3 as Proof for the Holy Spirit’s Divinity in Ambrose, Augustine, and Aquinas

One-Mile-Wide, One-Inch-Deep: A Case Study of the Indigenization of Global Pentecostal Worship i

When Must We Agree: The Role of Theological Triage in the Ministry of Charles Sturgeon

Agriculture, Sabbath, and Eternity: Ecclesiastes 3 and Human Flourishing in Toil

Global Evangelicalism and the Nation-Building Project of the Australian WCTU

A Trinitarian Approach to Grace in the Doctrine of Salvation

A Global Evangelicalism in Taiwan?

Patterns of Divine Commitment in Luke-Acts

Preaching With a Global Audience In Mind: Applying Acts 17:22-34 to Livestream Technology

Step One in the Process of a Sacramental Sermon: The Preparation (Spirituality) of the Preacher

The Kerux Crux: Appropriating Old Covenant Narrative for the Global Church

Contrary to Nature: Retrieving Natural Theology in Service to a Biblical Theology of Sex.

The Life, Apologetic, and Polemic Impact of Hippolytus of Rome

Stiff-Necked Worship: Examining קְשֵׁה־עֹ֖רֶף as the contrast to חוה

Reflections on Lutheran and Reformed Approaches to Assurance of Salvation

East to West: A Comparison of Irenaeus and Athanasius on the Atonement

Righteousness in the Hebrew Bible and Implications for Pauline Theology

Psalm 18 and the Need for a Critical Text of the Hebrew Psalter

The Authority of Scripture: The Voice of God from the Pentateuch to the Apocalypse

The Union of the Trinitarian Debates and the Way of Ideas in Post-Locke Britain

How the Church in the Global South Teaches Us to Pray the Prayer Jesus Taught

Sanctification as an Academic Pursuit?

Towards a View of Incorporated Righteousness and its Effects on the Christian Life.

More Than a Passing Glance: Illuminating Paul’s Metaphorical Mirror in 2 Cor 3:18

Theology for Coming to Terms with Our WEIRDness

Trinitarian Christology and Paul’s Definition of the Gospel

The Spiritual Discipline of Living Quietly: A Biblical-Theological Exploration


The Exaltation of Christ in Reformed High Orthodoxy

Identity and Repulsion: The Apostolic Commendation in Acts 20:32

Interpreting Difficult Passages in 1 Peter in Light of the Ethics of Jesus

Women’s Trousers and the Global Church: God-Honoring Gender Expression beyond the West

A Response to the Church of England: … And Then the Pulpits of America Thundered

The Protological Prophetic Role of Humanity in Genesis 1-2

The Complementarianism of The Salvation Army:The Neglected History of the Booths’ Views on Women

How Can I Keep on Singing: Beloved Hymns from Questionable Sources and The Hillsong Controversy

Grasping for the Divine: A Garden Motif Embodied by Qohelet and the Hope Found in Christ

Worship and Spiritual Transformation: An Examination of Lex Orandi – Lex Credendi

Tov Meod: The Compelling Beauty of Male and Female Complementarity in the Old Testament

Reformed Anthropology and Infused Habits

What’s in a name? Exploring the Significance of “Χριστιανός” in the NT

John the Baptist: Narrative Forerunner of the Messiah in the Gospel of Matthew

The Essence of Fairy-Stories: Thomistic Theodicy, Fictional Narrative, and the Voice of God

Deciphering the Number of the Beast: A Study of Revelation 13:18

New Wine for New Wineskins: It’s Not What You Think (Luke 5:33–39)

Being Human in an Age of Science: The Life Sciences, Protestant Theology, and the Imaginary

Salvation or subjugation of all nations: Roman imperialism as a counterfeit great commission

Reexamining the Reformation Marks of the Church: A Pauline Perspective from First Corinthians

John Owen’s formulation of the Covenant of Grace in Hebrews

Walking on Water: Evangelical Theological Method in a Liquid Modern Age

Bénédict Pictet (1655–1724): A Case Study in Pastoral Care

Only One Mouth: The Bold Claim by Irenaeus of the Church’s Global Fidelity to the Regula Fidei

Global Evangelicalism, Plural Pronouns, and Corporate Election in Ephesians

Raza Deshlosha, The Doctrine of the Three, a Tool for Jewish Evangelism: Jewish, Biblical Pre-Ch

John Webster and Philosophy of Revelation: Answering Epistemological and Ontological Concerns

The Eschatological Context of Gregory the Great’s Missional Enterprises

Confronting the Evangelical Gaze: Christian Theology as Story and Song

The Slave Metaphor in Augustine’s Christology in Sermon Dolbeau 26: What Kind of Slaves are We?

Evangelical True Self-Love in the Writings of Sarah Osborn

The Structural Coherence of the Twelve and the Day of YHWH Motif: A Composition in Three Parts

The Dutch and Jonathan Edwards

Determinism, Compatibilism, and the Divine Decree

Supplementary Participles in the LXX: Understanding a Common Participial Usage

Shepherding along the Psalter’s Path from Lament to Praise: Exploring a Ministry Metaphor

Paul’s Collection for the Saints in Jerusalem: How Much Did Luke Know?

How the Figure of Moses Highlights the Incarnation in the Fourth Gospel.

Anti-Eden: The Literary Function of Genesis 11:1–9

What Does It Mean for the Son to Be Sent?: An Historical Assessment

How American Evangelicals (Eventually) Became Pro-Life: The Story of Harold O. J. Brown

Integrating Reverence & Celebration: Lessons from Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Worship

Christ’s Beatific Vision amongst the Reformed Orthodox: An Alternative Account

A Better Story: The Goodness of a Gender Binary as Male and Female

Calvin’s Engagement with Augustine’s Exegesis in Developing a Reformed Ecclesiology

The Son of Man on Trial: Daniel’s Courtroom Vision and Jesus’ Messianic Claim in Matthew

Injustice and Memory: Toward A Theology of Corporate Repentance and Reconciliation.

David the Moabite

Moral Formation through Moral Imagination in James 1:1-2:13

The Valley of Achor, A Door of Hope: Joshua 6:15-8:2 Reconsidered

“Friend of Tax Collectors and Sinners”: Luke 19:1-10 as an Interpretive Key for Luke’s Jesus

A Biblical Reference to the Pharaoh Merneptah’s Campaign? The Four Conditions of Exodus 23:27-3

The Power and Presence of God: Elisha’s Miracles and Their Fulfillment in Jesus Christ

Toward Unity of Old, Young and Temple Creation Based on Genesis 1 as Hebrew Historical Narrative

Conflicting Approaches to Sexual Ethics: Assumptions, Authorities, Allegiances Motivating Views

The Global Phenomenon of the Ex-Muslim Movement: Toward an Evangelical Response

Navigating Unity and Diversity: Models for Responding to Global Theology

The Disciples’ Power to Still the Storm: Exalted Humanity and the Mystery of the Kingdom

The Movement of the proto-Masoretic Text during the Second Temple Period

‘Pains of childbirth’: Paul’s reframing of groaning and the implications for experienced desire

Engaging Global Evangelicalism on the Doorstep by Cultural Intelligence

The New Revelation of God: How Δόξα Frames the Ministry of Jesus in the Gospel of John

Inheriting God: A Defense of the visio Dei per essentiam

A Tale of Two Kings: Reading the Book of Isaiah at Qumran

Boasting in the Crucified King: Mark’s Use of Mid-Episodic, Non-Speech Historical Presents

War No More: Israeli Messianic Jewish and Palestinian Christian Readings of Isaiah 2 and Micah 4

Matthew 12:42: Hinting at Mysteries of the Messiah

“A Strong Personal Attachment”: Christopher Anderson’s Advocacy of the Serampore Mission

Engaging the Biblical Reasoning for Divine Simplicity

Thomas Monck’s Apologia: A General Baptist Use of Reformed Orthodoxy to Defend the Trinity

The Old Testament Background of the Feeding of the 5,000 and Walking on Water in Mark

Moses’ Breaking of the Tablets of the Covenant Viewed Through the Lens of Ritual Theory

Dualistic Wholism: A Theological Anthropological Construct for Dissociative Disorders

“The Chronology of Prosopology: The Timing of Jesus’ Scriptural Speeches in Hebrews”

The Divine Command Theory Does Not Fail

The Ministry of the Word in the Early Church: Lessons for the Global Evangelicalism

Wilderness Memories: The key Identity Marker for the Hebrews Community

This Country is as Much Ours: Nineteenth-Century Black Christians and American Nationality

Emergent Leadership When Part of a Minority Culture: A Case Study of Daniel 1-7.

The Delay of the Parousia and the Role of Witnesses in the Book of Acts

A Lexical Semantic Case for καταστολή as “Self-restraint” in 1 Timothy 2:9

Luke 24:8 and Luke’s Characterization of Female Disciples

The Father of Those who Dwell in Tents: Genesis 4 as a Literarily Coherent Kenite Etiology

The Influence of Augustine’s Totus Christus in Protestant Hermeneutics

Moses Stuart, Biblicism, and Baptists: Early American Baptist Seminaries and Theological Method

Having Once Been Sold Under Sin: A New Take on Rom 7:14 Describing Paul’s Christian Experience

Reading the Song of Songs in Its Historical Context as Patricentric Wisdom Literature

Women’s Trousers and the Global Church: God-Honoring Gender Expression beyond the West

An ancient witness: Ecclesiology and tradition according to the Apostolic Fathers

The Virtue of Faith in Matthew’s Narrative

Ruth: The Book of Answered Prayer

The Case for a Local Flood: Neglected Biblical and Historical Considerations

Paul and Barnabas as Νόμος to the Gentiles? On the Significance of Φῶς in Acts 13:37

The Underground Church: Strategies and Challenges in Global Evangelism

Sound Theology in Worship Songs: The Formational Power of Lyrics

Limited Atonement and Global Evangelicalism: A Reinterpretation of the Marrow Controversy

The Sacrifice of Isaac for Young Readers: The Jesus Storybook Bible’s Retelling of Genesis 22

Speech Acts Theory and Στοιχεια του κοσμου

Characterization of David’s Sin Through Intertextual Parallels in Samuel, Genesis, and Judges

What Day is It, Anyhow? Psalm 118:24 in Its New Testament Significance

The Gospel of John According to the Paratext of Greek MSS: Rediscovering Interpretive Insights

Critical Theory and the Gospel: Theological Analysis and Reflection

Dining with the Dogs: Echoes of David and Mephibosheth in Matthew 15:21-28

Spurgeon’s Baptist Catholicity: Exploring Spurgeon’s Global Influence Among the Swedish Baptists

Transnationalism and Chinese “reverse mission”: The Local Church in the U. S., 1965-1989

Implementing Seven Pillars of Discipleship as a Guide for Global Evangelicalism

Mercersburg’s Value to Global Evangelicalism

Prophetic Ethics, Black Radical Evangelicals, and Hope?

Isaac Typology in John 3:16- Comparing Jesus to Isaac

British Evangelicals and the Renewal of American Evangelical Identity: 1846-present

The Way of Eminence and Negation: a New Path to Anthropology

Am I My Brother’s Keeper: On Discipling the Illegal Evangelical

“The Path of Salvation”: Penance in Tertullian’s Disciplinary Theology

Borrowing from Paul to Understand John: Exploring the Circularity of Gift in the I Am Sayings

Rhetorical Framing: A Paradigm Shift in the Study of Pauline Boasting

Paul and Secular Singleness in 1 Corinthians 7: A Fresh Look at a Crux interpretem

On the Dilemma of Forgiving a Dying Nazi Soldier – Reading Simon Wiesenthal’s The Sunflower

Why Books on Church Polity Belong in the “Ethics” Section of a Christian Library

The Quest and Pursuit of African Christology: Implications for Global Evangelicalism


Restructuring an Evangelical Ethic of Responsibility: Bonhoeffer and the Philippine War on Drugs

Paul, the Church, and Technological Innovation: A Path Forward for Global Christian Communities

What is the gospel? A biblical-confessional approach

Five Distinct Models of Union with Christ in 16th and 17th Century Reformed Theology

John as Pastor in His Letters

A Theological Perspective on Trauma and Global Evangelicalism

Clashing Allegiances: The Shema and Jewish “Final Enemy” Legends as Background for Rev. 13

The Divine Prerogative of Sub-Saharan African Influence during the United Kingdom

Toward an Evangelical Heresy The soteriological move from SemiAugustinianism to SemiPelagianism

Good God=Simple God: How Divine Goodness Depends on Divine Simplicity

The Two-Adams Context of Paul’s Marriage Illustration in Romans 7:1-6

The Incomprehensibility of the Trinity: Absolutely Non-Personalist or Paradoxically So?

Exploring Theological Depth and Congregational Faith Expression in Hymn Lyrics

The Fragrance of Honor: Women Anointing with Perfume in the Gospels and Smell’s Role in Identity

Trinitarian Theology Apologetically Considered

Forsaking Eden: Proposed Reflections on Tyre & God’s Temple in Ezekiel 28:11-19

Augustine’s Correspondence with Licentius: Rhetoric and Evangelism in the Late 4th Century

Dispensationalism and the Covenant of Redemption

Why Global Evangelicalism Needs the Catholic Church

Hard Comparisons: The Curses of the Bronze Sky and Iron Ground in EST and Deuteronomy 28:23

Human Images of the Divine Image? A Proposal for Grounding our Social Relations in the Trinity

Paul’s Literal, Metaphorical, and Metonymical Baptismal Language in Romans 6:3–4

The Necessity of Work for Spiritual Formation

Collaborative Authorship of Thessalonians: Evidence/Arguments/Corollaries of Plural Contributors

John Stott’s Contribution to Global Evangelicalism as Observed from the Front Row

IVF, Abortion & ART: Have Popular Abortion Arguments of the Past Influenced the Ethics of IVF?

The Composition of Forgiveness

A Canonical Exegesis of Psalm 132


Shared Comprehension in Public Worship: Paul, Modernism, and Susanne Langer

Prayers of the Nations: The Gift of Tongues as Witness to the Multilingual Mission of the Church

Toward a Revelation 7:9 Model: Crafting Unifying Worship Services within Diverse Cultures

Messianic Expectations, Fulfillment, and Redefinition in the Gospel according to John

Good Cop or Bad Cop? The Johannine Characterization of Pilate in Light of Ancient Roman Policing

Who Do You Say that I Am? A Christology of the New Testament beyond Divine Identity or Agency

In Search of the Happy Life: A Vindication of Christian Eudaimonism

The Divine Prerogative of Sub-Saharan African Influence in the Book of Jeremiah

Meet Me at This Mountain: Mt. Sinai as an Archetype of God’s Presence (Exodus 19-40)

Women in the Church: A Practical Proposal Prioritizing Unity

The Contributions of Korean Evangelical Christianity to Global Evangelicalism from 1970 to 2024

Letting Go of Two Lives: How Somali Muslims Become Evangelical Christians in Europe

Adventures in Theology: Theological Method as Journey

Saint Augustine: Participation In Tractatūs in Joannis Euangelium

“Mic Drop” Moments: The Force of the Wayyiqtol Clausal Cluster as a Closural Device

Rethinking Hevel in Qoheleth’s Perspective

Wake Up, ETS! The Ministerial Exception Threatens To Negate Your Members’ Employment Contracts

Korean Evangelical Theology of Discipleship of Han-Heum Oak and Jung-Hyun Oh: Legacy & Prospect

“He Went About Doing Good”: Christ Motifs in the Judean Ministry of Peter in Acts 9:32-10:48

God’s Glory in Forgiveness

On Beard Trimming, Cattle Breading, and Bloody Meat: Preaching Old Testament Law

Knowing the End from the Beginning? The τὸ πνεῦμα Reference in Matthew 27:50

Putting the Evangel Back in ‘Evangelical’: The 1846 Evangelical Alliance as a Global Model

Apologetical Fiction: Stories As Christian Witness in a Postmodern Context

The Lived Experience of Religious Freedom: Challenges of UK-Based Evangelical Organizations

Vague and Provocative: The Pauline Approach to the Dilemma of Christian Slavery

The Heard Word: How Hearing Scripture Was the Catalyst for Worship

Trans-Atlantic Baptist Antimissionism: A Comparison

The Trinity “after” Barth: Robert Jenson and John Webster on the Creator–Creature Distinction

Toward A Definition of the Believer’s Union with Christ: A Methodological Approach

Re-examining the account between David and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11:1-5

Interpreting John 3:16: How Do Readers’ Contexts Shape Their Understanding?

How Biblical Ethics for Sex and Family Benefit Women and Children and Abate ‘Need’ for Abortion

Church Unity: Bottom-Up (Augustine) and Top-Down Interpretations (Calvin) of 1 Cor 10:16-17

Zechariah 6 and the Pactum: How a Post-exilic Counsel Informs Christology

Dechristologizing the Song of Songs: Absence as an Argument Against a Christological Application

Global Evangelicalism and the Humanity of Embryonic Children

Adam and the Tao: Common Ground for Social Betterment, with reflections on Christian Nationalism

“Remember the Words of the Lord Jesus”: Echoes of Jesus in Paul’s Farewell Address

“Come Rest on Us:” The Epicletic Impulse of Contemporary Worship Music

Judges 13-16: Samson as Failed Archetypal King

Why Do God’s People Suffer?: Comparing the Theodicies of 2 Baruch and Galatians

Priests among the Nations: Malachi 1:11 as a Solution to the Problem of the Priesthood

The Apocalyptic Ambiguity and Revelation of Mark’s Son of Man

“You Will Seek Me, but I Shall Not Be”: Eternal Oblivion in the Wisdom Literature?

Worship as Moral Formation

What I Say to You I Say to All: Parousia’s Multi-faceted Implications for Discipleship in Mark

The Extraordinary Sons of Lamech: The Genealogy of Cain and a Theology of Human Progress

Is Jesus and John Wayne an Accurate Assessment of White, American Evangelicalism in 2024?

The Toledot of Adam, The Likeness of God, and the Identity of the Sons of God in Genesis 6

A Global Network of Evangelical Mission Represented in Eighteenth-Century Moravian Art

The Need for ‘Elenctics’ in Cultural Apologetics

Inseparable Operations of the Trinity and the Divine Son’s Human Experience of the Spirit

The Life, Apologetic, and Polemic Impact of Hippolytus of Rome

The Forgotten Samuel Stillman: The “Baptist Bishop of New England”