Bibliographic information:
Norman, Daniel C. Saving the Church of England: John Edwards (1637–1716) as Dissenting Conformer. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2022.
Forward by Mark Noll
John Edwards was an anomaly: a self-proclaimed Calvinist who conformed to the Church of England at a time when most Calvinists left in the Great Ejection of 1662. In leading a public debate with the prominent intellectuals of his day including John Locke and Samuel Clarke over the definition of orthodox Christianity, he allied himself with the same individuals who decried his Calvinist theology. Edwards did this and more after retiring in his mid 50s due to “ill health”—a retirement in which he wrote over 40 scholarly books. At the heart of his concern was the unity and doctrinal orthodoxy of the church, themes over which contentious disputes have reverberated throughout church history.
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