Dr. Forrest Mills




359 Crossway Road
Bristol United States


BA in History, The University of Alabama
MDiv in Christian Ministry, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
ThM in Theological Studies, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
PhD in Church History, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary


Patristics, pre-Constantine church, Latin North Africa, Cyprian of Carthage, Augustine of Hippo, Tertullian, ecclesiology, pneumatology, Christology, doctrine of the Trinity

I received my PhD in Church History from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS), as well as a ThM in Theological Studies at that school after earning 18 doctoral credit hours in systematic theology. I also have an MDiv from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. I have been on staff at three churches and am currently the education pastor of a church in Bristol, VA. I have taught both graduate and undergraduate courses, as well as core and elective courses, at SBTS and Boyce College, including teaching in their online and Hispanic programs. I have also taught Bible and theology at a training facility for pastors in Ecuador, and I was full-time staff at SBTS in their Online Learning department.