Based on the biblical evidence, especially from the New Testament, this paper will argue that Christ’s coming, i.e. his incarnation, earthly ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, has renewed many things including singleness. Through Christ’s mission, God created a new humanity (Eph 2), to whom are given a new covenant, new command, new identity, and new relationship between each other. Single believers perfectly fit into this new humanity.
The writer will first introduce some common understandings about singleness among contemporary evangelicals, focusing on explaining the incongruity between singleness and what’s said in Genesis, namely, that God created man and woman, set up the institution of marriage, and commanded them to multiply and fill the earth (Gen 1:26-28).
Then, the main body of this paper will examine the new humanity created through Christ’s ministry and new revelation that Jesus brought concerning singleness (Matt 22:30). For example, this new humanity has a new identity, which is being children of God. Different from the command of “multiply and fill the earth” in the Old Testament, the new command that Jesus gives to believers is to make disciples, which, in a sense, is to bear spiritual children. Moreover, the new and most primary relationship between believers now is not marital or other relationships but siblings in God’s family under the same Father.
Finally, the writer will summarize the characteristics of this new humanity and point out the appropriate status and mission that single believers have in this new humanity.