This paper seeks to present the case for global evangelicalism in the context of discipleship for the equipping of the laity in the local church context. It holds that discipleship and apologetics are two interwoven concepts which builds a solid foundation for global evangelicalism. Both concepts are being used uniquely and specifically in the context of the global Christian church in both the demonstration of the historic Christian faith and practice. The goal is to demonstrate how the seven pillars of discipleship (salvation, the church and doctrine, prayer and devotion, bible study, biblical worldview, stewardship, and replication), builds on and establishes the foundation of a global evangelicalism. Each term used (discipleship, apologetics, seven pillars, and evangelicalism) will be defined beforehand in order to arrive at a clear and practical conclusion. It is the assertion of this paper that the historical views of men like Nicolaus Zinzendorf, George Fox, John Wesley, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Carl F. H. Henry, Billy Graham, Bill Bright, Harold Ockenga, Gudina Tumsa, John Stott, Francisco Olazábal, William J. Seymour, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, R. C. Sproul, Norman Geisler, David Jeremiah, Tony Evans, John MacArthur, John Pipper and so many others helped not only in the adherence to a sound evangelicalism, but also the formation of the term and its usage. The implications of evangelicalism to modernity stands like the Shema during the era of the Judges of Israel. Just as the purpose of the law was to move God’s people to obedience and hence the true worship of God, so too is evangelicalism to discipleship and raising up the next generation of believers to a holy standard in Christ Jesus.