The thesis of this paper is that the poetic structure in Daniel 7:14 and 7:27 serves as declaration that the Son of Man’s Kingdom ‘will never end,’ demonstrating how the strategic use of NW Semitic poetry within narrative text functions to emphasize the eternal nature of his dominion.
In particular, this study finds in Daniel 7:14 and 7:27, where Daniel’s vision identifies the Son of Man and the nature of his eternal Kingdom. The truth is stated in one of the few poetic passages in the visions of Daniel. Analysis of the poetic elements in the text will demonstrate the emphasis the author used to accentuate the message from the vision.
Lines of Poetry appearing amid any narrative have significant implications. However, these occurrences are often overlooked and do not receive the attention they deserve. Specifically, these lines are not always adequately evaluated as poetry or considered for their unique function in narrative. Poetry within a narrative framework has a function designated by the author.
This paper will analyze the poetic elements that appear in the vision section where the Son of Man is observed and demonstrate their contribution to the message. By examining how these poetic structures function within Daniel’s vision, this paper will demonstrate how the literary form itself contributes substantially to the theological message – namely, that the Son of Man’s kingdom is fundamentally and necessarily eternal. Minimal attention has been paid to the contributions of poetic elements to Daniel’s visions in the field of NW Semitic Poetry. The goal of this paper is to address two of those occurrences and demonstrate how recent scholarly attention to poetry contributes to the meaning of the text.