Manuscript Submissions and Book Reviews

Manuscripts and Communications

Manuscripts and communications should be addressed to the editor, Dr. Dorian Coover-Cox, at For full details on the form of the manuscript, please see the Instructions for Contributors.*

Book Reviews

For information on becoming a reviewer, please select the Volunteer to Review link in the JETS Menu.

Books for review should be sent to the appropriate book review editor.

    • Please send books on Old Testament, general Bible, and hermeneutics (general) to:

Dr. Bryan E. Beyer
Columbia International University
7435 Monticello Road
Columbia, SC 29203

    • Please send books on New Testament, Septuagint, OT apocrypha and pseudepigrapha, Historical Jesus studies, use of the OT in the NT, NT apocrypha, Gnostic texts, and NT exegetical methods to:

Dr. Mike Naylor
Columbia International University
7435 Monticello Road
Columbia, SC 29203

    • Please send books on theology, philosophy, church history/historical theology, philosophical/theological hermeneutics, apologetics, missions, and practical theology (e.g., counseling, homiletics) to:

Dr. Gregg R. Allison
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
2825 Lexington Road
Louisville, KY 40280

*Membership must be current in order to submit a manuscript for consideration.