
We are happy to finally allow you to see the new home for the Evangelical Theological Society.

The Evangelical Theological Society is a professional academic society of biblical and theological scholars, pastors, and students. We serve Jesus Christ and his church by fostering conservative, biblical scholarship. We seek to accomplish this goal through our Annual Meeting, regional meetings, and publications such as our Journal. Our meetings are open to the public and our publications are available for purchase. Older volumes of the Journal are made available freely through our online archive.


Recent News & Announcements

2022 Call for Proposals

74th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society

Tuesday, November 15th to Thursday, November 17th Denver, CO Theme: “Holiness” I am excited about this year’s annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, as we approach the Society’s three-quarters of a century mark. In addition to many presentations and special sessions, we shall hear plenary addresses from three outstanding scholars and a presidential address from our ETS president, Dr. D.A. Carson.


With our new system, ETS members can post new publications online as they are published. The online listing will allow anyone to view the most recent publications.


ETS welcomes job seekers and job postings for positions in Biblical studies, theology, biblical languages, and related disciplines.


In addition to the annual meeting, there are 7 regional ETS meetings held in February, March, and April.


Current ETS members may search the ETS Directory. You must be logged in to access this feature.