We appreciate your patience as our web team continues to work on website features. If your membership is due for renewal, be sure to renew rather than reapply for membership. You should see a renewal button on the right hand side of the page when you log in. If you need assistance please contact member-care@etsjets.org. Thank you.
We are happy to finally allow you to see the new home for the Evangelical Theological Society.
The Evangelical Theological Society is a professional academic society of biblical and theological scholars, pastors, and students. We serve Jesus Christ and his church by fostering conservative, biblical scholarship. We seek to accomplish this goal through our Annual Meeting, regional meetings, and publications such as our Journal. Our meetings are open to the public and our publications are available for purchase. Older volumes of the Journal are made available freely through our online archive.
Recent News & Announcements
Paper Proposal Timeline
Theologians Without Borders—Coming to San Antonio in November 2023
JETS 66.1 Posted
Paper Proposal Timeline
The Notification Timeline
- Proposals submitted to Section open sessions will be notified by May 15 if your proposal has been accepted, declined, or moved for consideration in a discipline specific session.
- Proposals submitted to theme or general discipline sessions will be notified by June 15 if the proposal has been accepted, declined, or held for potential inclusion if cancellations occur.