The officers of the Evangelical Theological Society consist of the President, a President-Elect/Program Chair, a Vice-President, and a Secretary. A new Vice-President is elected at each annual business meeting by full members of the Society, and serves as President-Elect in the second year and as President in the third year. These officers, together with the four most recent past presidents, constitute the Board of Directors, with the daily operations and oversight provided by the Executive Director, who is a non-voting, ex-officio member.

Executive Director – Ken Magnuson
Educational Background
- Ph.D. Cambridge University
- M.Div. Bethel Theological Seminary
- B.A. Anthropology, Bethel College (now Bethel University)
Current Position
Executive Director of the Evangelical Theological Society
Learn more about Dr. Magnuson
Select Publications
- Invitation to Christian Ethics (Kregel, 2020).
- “Is Abortion Murder? Rhetoric and Reality in the Abortion Controversy,” in Christian Cultural Engagement, ed. by Karen Swallow Prior and Joshua Chatraw (Zondervan, 2019).
- “Competing Conceptions of Marriage, Family, and Procreation: Moral Reasoning and Assisted Reproductive Technologies,” Augustine Collegiate Review 3/1 (Summer 2019), 35-52.
- “Source for Ethics,” in Christian Worldview Handbook, ed. by David S. Dockery and Trevin K. Wax (Holman Reference, 2019), 113-117.
- “On Human Dignity, Compassion, and Physician-Assisted Suicide,” in Canon and Culture, October 2015.
- “Ethical and Moral Reasoning,” in Faith and Learning: A Handbook of Christian Higher Education, ed. by David S. Dockery (B&H, 2012).
- “Christian Engagement in Secular Society: Politics, The Gospel, and Moral Influence,” in The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology (Winter 2007), 22-36.
- “What does Contraception have to do with Abortion? Evangelicals vs. Augustine and Roe v. Wade,” in The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 7/2 (Summer 2003), 54-67.
- “Childlessness,” in New Dictionary of Biblical Theology (Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press), 2000.
- “Marriage, Procreation and Infertility: Reflections on Genesis,” in The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology (Spring 2000).
About Dr. Magnuson
Dr. Magnuson has taught Christian Ethics for more than two decades. His interests are in the structure of ethics, with attention to teleology, virtue, and divine commands, as well as contemporary issues related to family, sexuality, the dignity of human life, and a theology of work. Ultimately Dr. Magnuson is interested in what it means for believers to strive to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord. In addition to serving as Executive Director of ETS, he serves as Professor of Christian Ethics at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and as an adjunct professor of Christian Ethics at Phoenix Seminary. Dr. Magnuson and his wife Katherine have four children and reside in Phoenix, Arizona.

President – Craig Blomberg
Educational Background
- Ph.D. New Testament; University of Aberdeen
- M.A. New Testament; Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
- B.A. Mathematics, Spanish, Religion; Augustana College
Current Position
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Denver Seminary
Learn more about Dr. Blomberg
Select Publications
- Historical Reliability of the Gospels (Leicester and Nottingham, Downers Grove: IVP, 1987, 2007).
- Interpreting the Parables (Downers Grove, Leicester and Nottingham: IVP, 1990, 2012).
- Matthew [New American Commentary] (Nashville: Broadman, 1992).
- 1 Corinthians [NIV Application Commentary] (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994)
- Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction and Survey (Nashville: B & H; Leicester, Nottingham and London: IVP, 1997, 2009, 2022).
- Neither Poverty nor Riches: A Biblical Theology of Possessions (Leicester and Downers Grove: IVP, 2001).
- Contagious Holiness: Jesus’ Meals with Sinners (Leicester and Downers Grove: IVP, 2005).
- From Pentecost to Patmos: An Introduction and Survey of Acts through Revelation (Leicester and London: IVP; Nashville: B & H, 2006, 2021).
- A New Testament Theology (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2018).
- Jesus the Purifier: John’s Gospel and the Fourth Quest for the Historical Jesus (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2023).
About Dr. Blomberg
Craig Blomberg began his New Testament teaching career at Palm Beach Atlantic College (1982-85), was senior research fellow at Tyndale House, Cambridge, England (1985-86), and has taught at Denver Seminary since 1986. He is author, co-author or editor of 30 books, served on the Committee for Bible Translation for the NIV and the Committee for the revision of the NIV Study Bible. He has taught courses or guest lectured on all six major continents and throughout the US. He has one wife, two daughters, and three grandchildren. His biggest sports thrill was seeing the Chicago Cubs win the 2016 World Series after a 108-year drought.

President-Elect / Program Chair – Scott R. Swain
Educational Background
- Ph.D. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
- Th.M. Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- M.Div. Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- B.A. University of North Florida
Current Position
President and James Woodrow Hassell Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida
Learn more about Dr. Swain
Select Publications
- The Trinity and the Bible: On Theological Interpretation (Lexham, 2021)
- The Trinity: An Introduction (Crossway, 2020)
- The Oxford Handbook of Reformed Theology, co-edited with Michael Allen (Oxford University Press, 2020)
- Retrieving Eternal Generation, co-edited with Fred Sanders (Zondervan Academic, 2017)
- Reformed Catholicity: The Promise of Retrieval for Theology and Biblical Interpretation, co-authored with Michael Allen (Baker Academic, 2015)
- Trinity, Revelation, and Reading: A Theological Introduction to the Bible and Its Interpretation (T & T Clark, 2011)
About Dr. Swain
Scott R. Swain is President and James Woodrow Hassell Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Swain has served on the RTS faculty since 2006, having previously taught at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. His main research interests include the doctrine of God, theological interpretation of Scripture, and modern Protestant theology, and he has published a number of books, articles, and essays on these topics. With Michael Allen, he serves as general editor of two series: Zondervan Academic’s New Studies in Dogmatics and T & T Clark’s International Theological Commentary. Dr. Swain is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America. He and his wife, Leigh, have four children.

Vice-President – David W. Pao
Educational Background
- MTS, MA, PhD, Harvard University
- MA, Wheaton College Graduate School
- BA, Wheaton College
Current Position
Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Learn more about Dr. Pao
Select Publications
- Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles. Brill Exegetical Commentary. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2023.
- Ascent Into Heaven in the Lukan Writings: New Explorations of Luke’s Narrative Hinge. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2016. (coeditor)
- Commentary on Colossians and Philemon. Zondervan Exegetical Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2012.
- After Imperialism: Christian Identity in China and the Global Evangelical Movement. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2011. (coeditor)
- Early Christian Voices—In Texts, Traditions, and Symbols. BibInt 66. Boston/Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2003. (coeditor)
- Thanksgiving: An Investigation of a Pauline Theme. New Studies in Biblical Theology 13, ed. D. A. Carson. Leicester/Grand Rapids, MI: InterVarsity Press, 2002.
- Acts and the Isaianic New Exodus. WUNT II.130. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2000/Grand Rapids: Baker, 2002.
About Dr. Pao
Prior to joining the faculty at Trinity, Dr. Pao taught at Harvard University as a Teaching Fellow in the area of the Greco-Roman World and Early Christianity. He has also served as a visiting professor at several institutions in Hong Kong, China, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Dr. Pao is also involved in several Bible translation projects, and he is currently serving as the New Testament editor of the Tien Dao Bible Commentary series and consulting editor of the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary series.
His publications include Acts and the Isaianic New Exodus (Mohr Siebeck/Baker, 2002), Thanksgiving: An Investigation of a Pauline Theme (InterVarsity, 2002), Early Christian Voices: In Texts, Traditions, and Symbols (coeditor, Brill, 2003), After Imperialism: Christian Identity in China and the Global Evangelical Movement (coeditor, Pickwick, 2011), Commentary on Colossians and Philemon (Zondervan, 2012), Ascent into Heaven in Luke-Acts: New Explorations of Luke’s Narrative Hinge (coeditor, Fortress, 2016), and 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus (Brill, 2023). He has also published several works in Chinese, including a two-volume commentary on the Gospel of Luke (Tien Dao, 2008, 2009) and ten volumes in the Guides to Biblical Studies series (Tien Dao, 2015–).
He has contributed to a number of essay collections and reference works, including Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of Scripture (Baker, 2005), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary (vol. 10; Zondervan, 2007), New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon, 2008), Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (Baker, 2007), The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary (Baker, 2012), The NIV Zondervan Study Bible (Zondervan, 2015), Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (de Gruyter, 2016), Christian Higher Education: Teaching and Learning in the Evangelical Tradition (Crossway, 2018), and The Cambridge Companion to the Book of Isaiah (Cambridge, 2024).

Secretary – Gregg R. Allison
Educational Background
- Ph.D. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
- M.Div. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
- B.S. Northern Illinois University
Current Position
Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Learn more about Dr. Allison
Select Publications
- Getting Deep: Understand What You Believe About God and Why. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2002
- Jesusology: Understand What You Believe About Jesus and Why. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2005
- A Theology for Christian Education with James Estep and Michael Anthony. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2008.
- Historical Theology: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2011.
- Sojourners and Strangers: The Doctrine of the Church Wheaton: Crossway, 2012.
- Roman Catholic Theology and Practice: An Evangelical Assessment Wheaton: Crossway, 2014.
About Dr. Allison
Dr. Allison came to Southern in 2003 from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon, where he had taught theology and church history for nine years. He has also served as adjunct faculty at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL; Elgin Community College, Elgin, IL; Judson College, Elgin, IL; Institute of Biblical Studies, Western Europe and the United States; and the Resurgence Training Center (Mars Hill Church/Acts 29).
Dr. Allison has 18 years of ministry experience as a staff member of Campus Crusade, where he worked in campus ministry as well as a missionary to Italy and Switzerland. He also co-pastored a church in Lugano, Switzerland.He is currently the book review editor for theological, historical, and philosophical studies, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, a position in which he has served for over ten years.

Past President 2021 – R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Educational Background
- Additional Studies: Saint Meinrad School of Theology and Oxford University (England)
- Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
- M.Div., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
- B.A., Samford University
Current Position
President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Learn more about Dr. Mohler
Select Publications
- The Prayer That Turns the World Upside Down: The Lord’s Prayer as a Manifesto for Revolution (Thomas Nelson, 2018)
- Acts 1-12 For You: Charting the Birth of the Church (The Good Book Company, 2018)
- Exalting Jesus in Hebrews (Holman Reference, 2017)
- We Cannot Be Silent: Speaking Truth to a Culture Redefining Sex, Marriage, and the Very Meaning of Right and Wrong (Thomas Nelson, 2015)
- Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership That Matters (Bethany House, 2014)
- Culture Shift: Engaging Current Issues with Timeless Truth (Multnomah, 2011)
- Atheism Remix: A Christian Confronts the New Atheists (Crossway, 2008)
About Dr. Mohler
Since 1993 Dr. Mohler has served as president and Joseph Emerson Brown Professor of Christian Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He is the author of twelve books, including commentaries on Hebrews and the Book of Acts, and he has written scores of articles and essays and is frequently engaged by national media. He is a committed churchman, and he is also committed to the task of public theology. Dr. Mohler hosts two podcasts, The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview, and Thinking in Public, a series of conversations with leading thinkers. Dr. Mohler and his wife Mary live in Louisville, Kentucky, and they have two children and two grandchildren.

Past President 2022 – D. A. Carson
Educational Background
- Ph.D. in NT Studies, Cambridge University
- M.Div., Central Baptist Seminary, Toronto
- B.Sc. in Chemistry, McGill University
Current Position
Distinguished Emeritus Professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Theologian-at-Large of The Gospel Coalition
Learn more about Dr. Carson
Select Publications
- Pillar New Testament Commentary volume on the Gospel according to John
- The Gagging of God: Christianity Confronts Pluralism
- Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church
- The Intolerance of Tolerance
- Christ and Culture Revisited
- New Testament Commentary Survey
- The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures
About Dr. Carson
D. A. Carson is Distinguished Emeritus Professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois and president of The Gospel Coalition. He has written or edited about sixty books. Carson is an active guest lecturer in academic and church settings around the world. Carson and his wife, Joy, reside in Libertyville, Illinois. They have two adult children.

Past President 2023 – Timothy George
Educational Background
- Th.D., Harvard University
- M.Div., Harvard Divinity School
- A.B., University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Current Position
Distinguished Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School of Samford University
Learn more about Dr. George
Select Publications
- Theology of the Reformers. B&H Academic, 2013.
- Reading Scripture with the Reformers. IVP Academic, 2011.
- Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad?Zondervan, 2002.
- Galatians: Christian Standard Commentary. B&H Academic, 2020.
- Amazing Grace: God’s Pursuit, Our Response. Crossway, 2011.
- Reformation Commentary on Scripture, General editor. IVP Academic.
About Dr. Magnuson
Timothy George is the founding dean of Beeson Divinity School. He served as dean for 31 years before returning to teach in the classroom in July of 2019. George is a life advisory trustee of Wheaton College, co-chair of Evangelicals and Catholics Together, and has chaired the Doctrine and Christian Unity Commission of the Baptist World Alliance. He has served as senior theological advisor for Christianity Today and on the editorial advisory boards of First Things and Books & Culture. George is the general editor of the Reformation Commentary on Scripture, a 28-volume series of sixteenth-century exegetical comment. An ordained minister in the Southern Baptist Convention, George has served churches in Georgia, Massachusetts, Kentucky, and Alabama. He and his wife, Denise, have two adult children.

Past president 2024 – Karen H. Jobes
Educational Background
- Ph.D. in Biblical Hermeneutics, Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia)
- M.A.R. in Biblical Studies, Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia)
- M.S. in Computer Science, Rutgers University
- B.A. in Physics, Trenton State College (now the College of New Jersey)
Current Position
Gerald F. Hawthorne Professor of New Testament Greek and Exegesis, Emerita
Learn more about Dr. Jobes
Select Publications
- Discovering the Septuagint: A Guided Reader(Kregel, 2016)
- Invitation to the Septuagint, 2nd ed. With Moisés Silva (Kregel, 2015)
- 1-3 John. Zondervan’s Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (Zondervan, 2014)
- Letters to the Church: Hebrews, James, Peter, Jude, and John. (Zondervan, 2011)
- Esther: God Fulfills a Promise, with Janet Nygren (Zondervan: 2008)
- Esther. The NIV Application Commentary (Zondervan: 1999)
- The Alpha-Text of Esther: Its Character & Relationship to the Masoretic Text. Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series 153 (Scholars Press, 1996)
About Dr. Jobes
Dr. Jobes held the Gerald F. Hawthorne Professor of New Testament Greek and Exegesis at Wheaton College and Graduate School from 2005-2015, and is now Professor Emerita. The Septuagint has been a major focus of her research, especially as a literary and theological background for New Testament exegesis. Jobes and her husband live in Philadelphia, PA, and are members of Oreland Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC).