Timothy George, Past President 2023

Educational Background

  • A.B., University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
  • M.Div., Harvard Divinity School
  • Th.D., Harvard University

Current Position

Distinguished Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School of Samford University

Select Publications

Theology of the Reformers. B&H Academic, 2013.
Reading Scripture with the Reformers. IVP Academic, 2011.
Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad? Zondervan, 2002.
Galatians: Christian Standard Commentary. B&H Academic, 2020.
Amazing Grace: God’s Pursuit, Our Response. Crossway, 2011.
Reformation Commentary on Scripture, General editor. IVP Academic.

About Dr. George

Timothy George is the founding dean of Beeson Divinity School. He served as dean for 31 years before returning to teach in the classroom in July of 2019. George is a life advisory trustee of Wheaton College, co-chair of Evangelicals and Catholics Together, and has chaired the Doctrine and Christian Unity Commission of the Baptist World Alliance. He has served as senior theological advisor for Christianity Today and on the editorial advisory boards of First Things and Books & Culture. George is the general editor of the Reformation Commentary on Scripture, a 28-volume series of sixteenth-century exegetical comment. An ordained minister in the Southern Baptist Convention, George has served churches in Georgia, Massachusetts, Kentucky, and Alabama. He and his wife, Denise, have two adult children.