Most churches support missionaries approved by various Missions agencies or denominational conferences. But very unique is the role of a person (this presenter) who serves as a “church missionary,” having made 36.00 international mission trips across Ukraine, Poland, Serbia, Africa, Armenia, Guatemala, and China — teaching theology & Bible classes and evangelizing. He has been officially designated by his local church as a “Church Missionary,” conducting 3-5 Mission trips each year, each typically 2-3 weeks. In his home church, when not traveling, he preaches to a congregation in Pakistan (on Zoom) and teaches in his church.
The joys and challenges of serving God as a “Church Missionary” are great. In his last trip to Uganda, as a keynote speaker at evangelism rally, several hundred people trusted Christ as Savior. And in early 2025, while in Ukraine teaching Philippians and evangelizing, just miles from the war front and located in a bombed-out village, with incoming rockets-missiles and warning alarms activated, numerous people trusted Christ as Savior.
This presentation will offer encouragement to those who seek to serve God in Missions. The nature of a “church missionary” will be discussed. Photographs will be shown highlighting some of the unique locations and challenges encountered.