Expository preachers have a difficult time knowing what to do with the Book of Proverbs. They may ask themselves, “Should I preach it sequentially, verse by verse?” “Should I preach it topically after collecting all the main themes into different buckets?” “Should I preach Collection I (Proverbs 1–9) expositionally, and then the rest of the book topically?” “Should I even preach it at all?” “And if I do preach it, how am I going to connect it to Christ in the NT?” Despite the trepidation involved in preaching Proverbs, I would advocate for a verse by verse approach that respects the construction of the book as we have it. This style of preaching allows listeners to access the book in the same way that they read it. In fact, this is the same way that it has been read for centuries! Despite the drawbacks, it is possible, and even powerful, to preach Proverbs verse by verse.