On the Disparity of Penalties in Deuteronomy 22:13-21

Deut 19:16-21 states that if someone falsely accuses another of a crime, and the falsehood of that accusation is discovered, then the false accuser should receive the same punishment that he or she attempts to inflict on the third party. In Deut 22:20-21, if the groom’s charge against his bride is proven true, her penalty … Read more

Deuteronomy’s Use of Scripture and the Dating of the Pentateuch

Deuteronomy consists largely of the historical Moses’s final sermonic oracles, which he both spoke (Deut 1:3, 5; 4:44; 5:1; 27:11; 29:1[28:69]) and transcribed (31:9, 22, 24; 32:45) on the plains of Moab just prior to his death (32:48–52; 34:1–6). This study argues that the way Moses uses Scripture in this embedded material supports the view … Read more

Zephaniah’s Macrostructure: A Textlinguistic-Rhetorical Analysis

How should one trace the organization and argument of a prophetic book like Zephaniah? This study seeks not only to identify Zephaniah’s component parts or segments but also to assess how these interrelate to communicate the prophet’s message, which I summarize as: Seek Yahweh together to avoid punishment, and wait for him to enjoy salvation. … Read more

Global Outreach at the Beginning: Linear Alphabetic Script to the Early Iron Age

This selective study of Bronze Age Semitic and Early Iron Age Hebrew alphabetic evidence will demonstrate that, while the view that large percentages of ancient Israelites were composing sophisticated literature is a caricature, both the earliest alphabetic West Semitic evidence and later texts bear witness to this medium of scribal activity throughout the second millennium … Read more