The Influence of Augustine’s Totus Christus in Protestant Hermeneutics

This essay seeks to validate recent observations regarding premodern exegesis by further exploring Augustine’s notion of totus Christus (“the whole Christ”). Additionally, this essay will trace the influence of Totus Christus in select protestant biblical interpreters. The interpretive framework of Totus Christus is especially noticeable in Augustine’s interpretation of the Psalms, primarily contained within his … Read more

A Retrieval of Calvin’s Thought on Romans 9:6-29 in light of Paul’s Intent

Paul explicitly states in his salutation in his letter to the Romans his purpose to “evangelize” Rome, and he states after the body of the letter his desire to proclaim the gospel of Christ in Spain. Part of Paul’s theological emphases for his practical purpose of evangelism concerns instructing the Roman believers concerning God’s election … Read more