John Owen’s formulation of the Covenant of Grace in Hebrews

This paper is an exploratory response to recent claims that there is no concept of the covenant of grace (as understood in Reformed covenant theology) within the New Testament. These claims demonstrate well the difficulty that can be felt by many in seeking to move from the text of Scripture to systematic and theological formations. … Read more

Go means go, and “as you go” must die: A simplified argument for Matthew 28:19

Despite the efforts of esteemed Greek grammarians (Huffman 2012, Moulton 1908, Mounce 1993, Nuun 1920, Robertson 1934, Wallace 1996, Young 1994), and like a recurring nightmare, the phrase πορευθέντες οὖν μαθητεύσατε in Matthew 28:19 continues to be misinterpreted as “Therefore, as you go, make disciples.” This misinterpretation, which has significant ramifications on global evangelism, is … Read more

Approaches to Discourse Analysis: A New Typology

Discourse analysis is a daunting field to enter, and as students and scholars seek to apply discourse analysis to the New Testament, they need a map to navigate the domains of the discipline. The most thorough and important work to-date is the article by Porter, “Discourse Analysis and New Testament Studies: An Introductory Survey” (1995), … Read more

Faith and the Future: The Articular Substantival Participle of πιστεύω in John’s Gospel

This paper applies principles of linguistic grammatical analysis expressed by M.AK. Halliday, Robert E. Longacre, Stanley E. Porter, Ronald D. Peters to articular substantival participles of πιστεύω in the Gospel of John. Ronald D. Peters analyzes the functional discourse implications of the Greek article, including its presence with the participle. Peters concludes that a speaker … Read more

Intention and the Text in the New Testament Studies

This study delves into the intricate interplay between intentionality and text within the framework of the Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), focusing particularly on the process of language usage and intentions in conjunction with linguistic choices. While Michael A. K. Halliday, a leading figure in SFL, predominantly addresses the sociological aspects of language, there remains a … Read more