The Life, Apologetic, and Polemic Impact of Hippolytus of Rome

This paper explores the life, apologetic, and polemic impact of Hippolytus of Rome, reviewing his historical impact and considering how his approach applies today. It highlights his background, ideological perspective, and selections from Hippolytus’ main extant apologetic work, The Refutation of All Heresies. Looking at his historical context suggests he acted at a critical time … Read more

East to West: A Comparison of Irenaeus and Athanasius on the Atonement

Today’s scholarship has mostly arrived at a consensus on atonement in the early church—there was no unified theory of the atonement (Pelikan, Kelly, Johnson). While we can grant that there were no clearly articulated theories of atonement, let alone a dominant one, it does not follow that there are no recurrent and leading pieces of … Read more

The Life, Apologetic, and Polemic Impact of Hippolytus of Rome

This paper explores the life, apologetic, and polemic impact of Hippolytus of Rome, reviewing his historical impact and considering how his approach applies today. It highlights his background, ideological perspective, and selections from Hippolytus’ main extant apologetic work, The Refutation of All Heresies. Looking at his historical context suggests he acted at a critical time … Read more

Reimagining Slavery: The Reception of Colossians 4:1 and Ephesians 6:9 in the Ancient Church

Since the Colossian Haustafel assumes the continuation of slavery in the Christian community, most modern commentators promptly dismiss the possibility that τὴν ἰσότητα τοῖς δούλοις παρέχεσθε (Col 4:1a) is a command to grant slaves equality. Likewise, since the Ephesian Haustafel assumes the continuation of slavery, most modern commentators promptly dismiss the possibility that τὰ αὐτὰ … Read more

Aquinas’ Commentary on the Psalms as a Window Into His Hermeneutic

Among the most significant theologians in the history of the church, Thomas Aquinas surely stands near the top. Producing a massive corpus of biblical, theological, and philosophical material, few thinkers have left the church such a vast collection of writings. While he is most known for his magisterial Summa Theologica, Aquinas authored a large number … Read more

Augustine, Social Media, and Narrative Shaping of the Self

This is a co-authored proposal. The co-author is Hannah Turrill. In Confessions, Augustine presents two vignettes (3.2.2-4; 8.6.14-7.17) that, in important ways, parallel our interactions with social media. Both involve Augustine’s interaction and response to narratives, and both serve as smaller stories within the grand story of Confessions itself. Placing these two vignettes alongside one … Read more