CO-AUTHORS: Ryan Tafilowski, Denver Seminary, and David Buschart, Denver Seminary ABSTRACT | Over the last two decades, Evangelical accounts of the theology of work have proliferated. Indeed, the “faith and work” movement has become a cottage industry unto itself, complete with a vast literature, dozens of organizations, and a bustling conference and media scene. However, … Read more

Toward a Theology of Work for Everyone

Co-authored proposal Over the last two decades, Evangelical accounts of the theology of work have proliferated. Indeed, the “faith and work” movement has become a cottage industry unto itself, complete with a vast literature, dozens of organizations, and a bustling conference and media scene. However, as both its critics and proponents have observed in recent … Read more

Patronage and Reciprocity in Paul’s Metaphor of Adoption

Adoption (huiothesia, υιοθεσία) is an important Pauline metaphor describing the believer’s connection with God the Father (as well as the Son and the Holy Spirit) (Ephesians 1:5; Romans 8:23; Galatians 4:5). The concept of patronage and reciprocity affects one’s understanding of this metaphor. Garner states that spiritual adoption shows the patronage of the Heavenly Father … Read more

The Bugenhagen Option: Community Engagement for Evangelical Renewal

In 2017 Rod Dreher created waves with his Benedict Option. Others countered with the “Boniface Option.” I affirm the insights of both options, while also advocating for the necessity of the “Bugenhagen Option.” Johannes Bugenhagen’s (1485-1558) work as reformer and organizer of the Lutheran reformation is a model to follow as evangelicals seek strategies to … Read more