The Nazirite Forerunner and Birth From Barrenness: Typology or Narrative Analogy?

Robert Alter, in his The Art of Biblical Narrative, argued that “narrative analogy” is an instance in which “one part of the text provides oblique commentary on another” and is imperative in biblical interpretation. In his 2015 publication entitled Text and Subtext: On Exploring Biblical Narrative Design, Jonathan Grossman defined narrative analogy as follows: “An … Read more

Reformed Worship: A Departure from the Church Fathers and the Church Catholic?

Advocates of what I will term “high liturgical worship” increasingly contend that formal Reformed and Free Church worship constitutes a departure from the church catholic, especially from the fathers. (I use “high liturgical worship” to distinguish the liturgical practices characteristic of high church Anglicanism, Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and some Lutheranism from formal Reformed and … Read more

Theology for Coming to Terms with our WEIRDness

Co-authored Proposal As Western Christians seek to discern their contribution to and benefit from global evangelicalism, we need to understand our unique cultural outlooks. Social science can be of some utility, but its findings must also be carefully sifted and evaluated theologically. Social scientists increasingly note that the methods and the findings of their disciplines … Read more

Preaching Proverbs 31 with Sensitivity and Surprise

Proverbs 31 has long been a source of confusion and frustration for readers and preachers of Scripture. But this paper will argue that Proverbs 31 is surprisingly relevant for the church today when interpreted carefully, applied skillfully, and preached with sensitivity. The surprise of Proverbs 31:1-9 is that the mother of Lemuel (“the other Proverbs … Read more