Sarah Edwards, Francis of Assisi, and the Bodily Aesthetics of Sanctification

Within contemporary theological aesthetics, the goal of sanctification is articulated in terms of form and beauty. As the process of becoming more like Christ, sanctification involves being conformed to Christ aesthetically: the beauty of saints conforms to the beauty of Christ. The discussion here primarily focuses on Christ’s moral beauty, as humans are to imitate … Read more

Is Man the Head of Woman? Revisiting Kephalē in 1 Cor 11:3

1 Corinthians 11:2-16 has been considered one of the most difficult passages to interpret in all of Paul’s letters. From head coverings, to hair length, to angels (or messengers?) watching on, the exegetical challenges are too many to count. One thing seems fairly clear, however: Paul’s leading theological statement about man being the “head” (kephalē) … Read more

Marcus Cheng (1884–1963) and Chinese Pneumatology

For many contemporaries, the twentieth century was an age of the Holy Spirit. Besides the great revivals in Wales, India, and Korea, the enthusiasm of the Keswick Convention was also carried by the missionaries to China. For Chinese Protestants, pneumatology is an understudied doctrine, even though many desperately desired the Holy Spirit’s power. While praying … Read more

The Perfect Tense in John 3:13: Universal Meaning and Interpretive Irrelevance

While the perfect tense-form of ἀναβέβηκεν has been presented as the solution to this cryptic verse by adherents of Verbal Aspect Theory (Pierce and Reynolds 2014; Porter and Pitts 2017), no fully satisfactory explanation of the perfect tense-form in this verse has yet been given. It remains “the hard example for everyone” in explaining the … Read more

Swimming Against The Tide: The Evangelistic Conversion Of Orestes Brownson To Catholicism

Despite public hostility toward Roman Catholicism by mid-nineteenth-century American Protestants, there are notable cases of influential Northern Protestants converting to Catholicism. Particular conversions during the 1840s may be primarily attributed to shared experiences among the converts before changing faiths, facilitated by the evangelistic outreach of the Roman Catholic Church. Such transitions may be seen as … Read more

Body-Soul Relationship in Global Evangelicalism: Examining Assimilative Therapeutic Faith for He

The holistic approach to healing and wholeness in evangelical Christianity in Africa can provide insight to scholars interested in the significance of the body-soul relationship, a significant topic debated among philosophers and theologians for centuries and that remains relevant in global evangelical Christianity today. As Joel B. Green observes, modern science challenges the Christian notion … Read more