Critical Theory and the Gospel: Theological Analysis and Reflection

While Critical Theory as a school or tradition of thought is not new, it has come to some prominence in recent years. While there are numerous persons and writing with varied perspectives within this school or tradition, it is nonetheless possible to summarize the principles and convictions of Critical Theory in a general way. This … Read more

What Day is It, Anyhow? Psalm 118:24 in Its New Testament Significance

Given how frequently it is cited by modern Christians, it is somewhat surprising to discover that the NT authors did not utilize Psalm 118:24—“This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it” (NASB)—in their appropriation of OT texts. This paper will explore how modern Christians can appropriate … Read more

Speech Acts Theory and Στοιχεια του κοσμου

In Galatians 4:3, Paul says something that has compelled not a few commentators to spill not a minor amount of ink. Having finished his illustration of an heir who has not yet come of age, Paul begins to apply the import of this illustration to his audience, saying, “In the same way we also, when … Read more

Sound Theology in Worship Songs: The Formational Power of Lyrics

The popular song “Holy Spirit” (2011) urges the worshipers to invite the Holy Spirit to come and fill the atmosphere. The lyrics might be interpreted to be a sung prayer of epiclesis as we call upon the Holy Spirit for a special work in worship. Yet not only the language is ambiguous as it seeks … Read more

The Influence of Augustine’s Totus Christus in Protestant Hermeneutics

This essay seeks to validate recent observations regarding premodern exegesis by further exploring Augustine’s notion of totus Christus (“the whole Christ”). Additionally, this essay will trace the influence of Totus Christus in select protestant biblical interpreters. The interpretive framework of Totus Christus is especially noticeable in Augustine’s interpretation of the Psalms, primarily contained within his … Read more

Luke 24:8 and Luke’s Characterization of Female Disciples

The Gospel according to Luke generally is recognized for its positive presentation of women in the ministry of Jesus. The proposed presentation will begin with a brief description of Luke’s characterization of women in general, highlighting passages unique to his Gospel. Within this context, the role of the women in the first resurrection scene (24:1-12) … Read more