Biblical Support for Iran’s Mandate for Females to Wear the Manteau and Rousari

In 1909 American Presbyterian missionary to Iran Howard Baskerville resigned his teaching post in Tabriz to fight (and die) for Iranians warring against governmental troops during the Constitutional Revolution. His death proved impactful for Christianity in Iran and Iranian/American relations. In 1975, in a paper presented for the Bicentennial Celebrations of American Independence at Pahlavi … Read more

Memory and the Interpretative Options of Jesus’ Resurrection

This article considers the implications of a memory approach (David Graieg, Resurrection Remembered: A Memory Approach to Jesus’ Resurrection in First Corinthians (London: Routledge, 2024)) on the various hypotheses relating to Jesus’ resurrection (Andrew Loke, Investigating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: A New Transdisciplinary Approach (London: Routledge, 2020), 24–25). (1) The no-experience hypothesis states that … Read more

Floods, Famines, and Fires: Origen on “Natural Evil”

Prior to the third century, the church was united around a few core principles regarding the presence of natural evil in the world: God was not the author of any form of evil, while specifically “natural” evils such as storms and diseases were products of demonic activity or the result of individual or institutional human … Read more

Isaiah and the Canon: Exploring Isaiah Within the Prophetic Corpus

This paper considers the varied order of the latter prophets between the Hebrew Bible and the list found in the Babylonian Talmud tractate Baba Bathra 14b. How does one explain the sequence “Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah” found in Baba Bathra 14b? The discussion focuses on how the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah may have conceived of … Read more

Building a Solid Foundation; A Call to Look at אבד More Deeply

The themes of God’s mercy and judgment are woven throughout the biblical text in both the Old and New Testaments. This can be seen in the blessings and cursings in Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26 and is typified in the term אבד. However, in the field of Old Testament studies, the desire for in-depth studies … Read more

A Theological Interpretation of Ignorance for Globalized Evangelical Theology

Some recent literature on global theology and worldview mirrors tendencies of the soteriological inclusivism of a previous theological generation. A bevy of titles on global evangelicalism and religious experience in the last ten years have articulated a variety of approaches accounting for culture’s influence on theology but also culture’s control over theological language. Whereas some … Read more

“Where Is Your King to Save You?”: Hosea’s Kingly Critique

Hosea’s ministry stretched beyond the time of Jereboam II, yet no other northern kings are mentioned in Hosea’s opening verse. Thus, an opening salvo is launched against the kings of Israel, so ineffective and unfaithful that they do not merit mention. Hosea’s cynical view of the kings is unmistakable, but the treatment is not one-dimensional. … Read more