Balancing Head and Heart in Seventeenth Century Puritanism: Stephen Charnock’s Doctrine of the Knowledge of God

Bibliographic information:

Siekawitch, Larry. Balancing Head and Heart in Seventeenth Century Puritanism: Stephen Charnock’s Doctrine of the Knowledge of God. Eugene OR, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2012.



This study explores Stephen Charnock’s doctrine of the knowledge of God to discover his contributions to the restoration English Puritan understanding of a balance of head and heart. This balance is the crucial link to the original Reformers and the Puritans. Charnock paved a distinctive trail in the midst of diverse paths the restoration puritans were taking, but he also maintained certain characteristics, which were common to the Puritan way. Together with others (notably Richard Baxter, John Howe and William Bates) Charnock attempted to maintain a balance of mind and heart, where the use of reason and the Bible were combined with a deep experiential faith. This group of latitude Puritans appears to be the most faithful to the original Reformers though uniquely suited to their age.


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