Bibliographic information:
Paul S. Jeon, “Collectivism and/or Christianity: An Exegetical Study of Acts 2:42-47 and 4:32-5:11.” The Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics (2013).
Some believe that Christianity is non-capitalistic at its core and that such a position is based on Scripture. Advocates of this position commonly cite Acts 2—5 as a primary example of the collective commitment of the initial church. This view is misguided. It is based principally on a misinterpretation of several key texts which the article explores. The analysis reveals the consistent theme that all giving was a voluntary and joyful response to the gospel and its powerful attestations through the apostles and its social implications. It also demonstrates that the first believers did not feel compelled by the apostles to surrender their right to personal property and its discretionary use.
The Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics (website: