Bibliographic information:
Zito, Christopher. Doctrine and Experience Caught in the Crossfire of Evangelical Spiritualities. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2016.
The book is concerned with the divide over biblical doctrine and Christian experience as alternative sources for views and practices of spirituality within broader contemporary evangelicalism. It claims that in the contemporary context, evangelicals tend to lean on either Word-heavy (“doctrinalism”) or Spirit-heavy (“experientialism”) conceptualizations of spirituality, which in turn leads to unhelpful Neo-platonic reductions on the one hand while, on the other, opening the door to a subtle form of idolatry. The book concludes by affirming that the Scriptures provide a balanced view of doctrine and experience in a cross-shaped, incarnate spirituality that is informed by meticulous attention and obedience to sound doctrine, but only as it is lived out in a deeply felt faith made complete by our daily experience(s)of God.
Wipf & Stock (website: