Genre-Specific Biblical Interpretation in 1 Peter

Bibliographic information:

Atkinson, Jordan. “Genre-Specific Biblical Interpretation in 1 Peter.” Themelios 46, no. 3 (December 2021): 608-19.


This article argues that 1 Peter 1:10–12 contains Peter’s hermeneutic for interpreting Old Testament messianic prophecies in 1 Peter. Though the scholarly consensus is that these verses govern every use of Scripture throughout 1 Peter, an exegesis of 1 Peter 1:10–12 reveals that Peter only discusses Old Testament prophecy in these verses. In addition to quoting prophecies, though, Peter also quotes the Law and wisdom literature. The hermeneutic for the Law and wisdom literature in 1 Peter is distinct from that of prophecy and is a model for how Christians should continue to interpret biblical texts according to their genres.


The Gospel Coalition (website:*6cwxvh*_ga*MjE0MjIzMDQ4Mi4xNTkxMjAzMzUy*_ga_R61P3F5MSN*MTYzODg3ODk4Ni4yOC4xLjE2Mzg4Nzk3NTQuNjA.#page=128)