Le testament d’Elisée: Texte massorétique et Septante en 2 Rois 13,10-14,16

Bibliographic information:

Richelle, Matthieu. Le testament d’Elisée: Texte massorétique et Septante en 2 Rois 13,10-14,16 (Cahier de la Revue Biblique 76). Gabalda: Pendé, France, 2010.



Textual Criticism: comparison between the Masoretic Text and the Septuagint in 2 Kgs 13,10-14,16. Close attention is given to the Antiochian Text and to the Old Latin, including the Palimpsestus Vindobonensis. It appears that the Vorlage of the Old Greek might represent, in this section, an older stage than the MT in the transmission history of the text, as Adrian Schenker and Julio Trebolle Barrera have already proposed in shorter studies of this passage. At the same time, arguments in favor of the TM as well as in favor of the LXX are taken into account. Besides, this monograph provides some new insights on the structure and narrative analysis of 2 Kgs 13,14-21, and on the overall structure of 2 Kgs 8,20-10,36.


Gabalda (website: http://www.gabalda.com/)

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