Original Sin and Its Effects Within the Economy of Salvation

Bibliographic information:

Jowers, Dennis W. “Original Sin and Its Effects Within the Economy of Salvation.” In Justified in Jesus Christ: Evangelicals and Catholics in Dialogue Eds. Steven Hoskins and David Fleischacker. Bismarck, ND: University of Mary Press, 2017.


Original sin consists in three elements: first, the guilt of Adam’s first sin; second, the want of original righteousness; and, third, the consequent corruption of fallen human beings’ entire nature. As God imputes the righteousness of Christ to all those whom he represents under the covenant of grace, so he imputes the guilt of Adam’s first sin to those whom he represents under the covenant of works: i.e. all human beings, Christ alone excepted. As punishment for this imputed guilt, God deprives each human being whom he creates of original righteousness, an accident of human nature the deprivation of which renders fallen human beings incapable of fulfilling their obligations to God and their neighbor. Inasmuch as original righteousness constitutes a prerequisite sine qua non to human nature’s proper functioning, its absence renders every aspect of fallen human nature dysfunctional and so corrupt.


University of Mary Press (website: http://justifiedinjesuschrist.com/)

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