“Son Christology in the New Testament”

Bibliographic information:

Belleville, Linda. “Son Christology in the New Testament.” In The New Evangelical Subordinationism: Perspectives on the Equality of God the Father and God the Son. Edited by Dennis Jowers and Wayne House, pp. 59-82. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2012.



The New Evangelical Subordinationism? gathers commentary on evangelical debates about equality and subordination in the Trinity from representatives of the gamut of perspectives just mentioned. Here, evangelical theologians, biblical scholars, and church historians of widely differing theological orientations address themselves to the panoply of questions raised by these debates. This volume, unprecedented in the breadth and depth of its coverage of the controversy over subordination in the Trinity, should become a standard source for teaching and research on its subject.


Wipf & Stock (website: https://wipfandstock.com/)