“Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace: Another Look at the Objection to the Mixed Marriages in Ezra 9–10”

Bibliographic information:

Yap, Timothy. “Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace: Another Look at the Objection to the Mixed Marriages in Ezra 9–10.” Trinity Journal 42, no. 1 (2021): 3–15.


This article argues that in order to understand why Ezra-Nehemiah is opposed to the marriage between the Jewish community and the women of “the peoples of the lands,” we should situate Ezra 9—10 within the context of Ezra 1—6. Instead of prohibiting such exogamous marriages based on ethnicity or reasons that have to do with religious apostasy or syncretism, such unions are proscribed because of three reasons. First, such marital affinities will continue to enchain the Jewish community to the bonds of exile. Second, such unions are not sanctioned by the word of God through the prophets. Third, such marriages will continue to place God’s people under the dominance of the Persians rather than of God.


Trinity Journal (website: https://www.tiu.edu/resources-media/)