The Love of God in Biblical Counseling

Bibliographic information:

Cozzi, Luciano. The Love of God in Biblical Counseling. Bloomington, IN: WestBow Press, 2016.



The Love of God in Biblical Counseling calls for a new theological and practical emphasis in biblical counseling that embraces a much deeper concept of the love of God than is currently proposed in the field’s literature. Such a concept, as proposed by the author, contributes to the field by increasing the understanding of the dynamics of the human heart in the context of the outpouring of the divine love in the individual believer. The book includes a brief review of the theory and practice of biblical counseling from the days of Jay Adams to today, which points out the need to expand the current emphasis on motives and idols to address more directly the human heart. It then concentrates on the theological foundation of the divine love as the motive behind God’s creation, self-revelation, incarnation, redemption, and ultimate purpose for all humanity. Relying on the work of major theologians such as Karl Barth, Thomas F. Torrance, and Michael Jinkins, among others, the book explores the meaning and implications of the expression of the love of God in and through the believer for the practice of biblical counseling.


West Bow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson &Zondervan (website:

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