“The Perfector of All Divine Acts: Inseparable Operations, the Holy Spirit, and the Providence of God”

Bibliographic information:

Teer, Torey J. S. “The Perfector of All Divine Acts: Inseparable Operations, the Holy Spirit, and the Providence of God.” Bibliotheca Sacra 177, no. 708 (October–December 2020): 402–21.


Originating within the Trinity, all divine action follows from an established order: from the Father, through the Son, by the Holy Spirit. As the Spirit locates at the end of the agential chain, he is the terminus of all divine acts, and his work is Christological in emphasis. Further, while all external acts of the Trinity are indivisible, the individual roles of the divine persons in those acts are distinguishable. Therefore, vis-à-vis the doctrine of providence, to the Holy Spirit belongs the work of sustaining, recreating, and consummating.


Bibliotheca Sacra (website: https://www.dts.edu/media-publications/bibliotheca-sacra/)