Unraveling the End: A balanced scholarly synthesis of four competing and conflicting end-time views

Bibliographic information:

Noe, John Reid. Unraveling the End: A balanced scholarly synthesis of four competing and conflicting end-time views. Indianapolis, IN.: East2West Press, 2014.



For the first time ever, this book offers a unifying solution to “one of the most divisive elements in recent Christian history. . . . Few doctrines unite and separate Christians as much as eschatology” (Christianity Today). As J. Dwight Pentecost rightly lamented . . .

“There has been little attempt to synthesize the whole field of prophecy . . . and there is a great need for a synthetic study and presentation of Biblical prophecy” (Things to Come, viii).

That synthesis has now arrived. To this author’s knowledge, this new book presents the first comprehensive effort “to synthesize the whole field of prophecy.” It is based on his doctoral dissertation and 13-week church seminar series. The four views are (in order of their prominence in evangelical circles today): dispensational premillennialism, amillennialism, postmillennialism, and preterist. Inside, readers will discover that each end-time view has identifiable strengths and weaknesses. He discards the weaknesses, keeps the strengths, and synthesized the strengths into one coherent, consistent, and compelling view that is more Christ-honoring, scripture-authenticating, and faith-validating than any one view in and of its self.


East2West Press

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