“Verbal, Aspect, Aktionsart, and the Greek New Testament: The Approaches of Constantine R. Campbell and Stanley E. Porter”

Bibliographic information:

Lamb, Gregory E. “Verbal, Aspect, Aktionsart, and the Greek New Testament: The Approaches of Constantine R. Campbell and Stanley E. Porter.” Presbyterion 43.2 (2017): 95–130.


This essay introduces readers to the discussion within biblical studies regarding Aktionsart and verbal aspect theories. More specifically, this article analyzes the influential verbal aspect approaches of C. R. Campbell and S. E. Porter in studying the Greek NT. Despite the recent controversies, verbal aspect studies has done much to bring Greek studies back to the fore in NT scholarship. Nevertheless, despite the benefits of verbal aspect studies, and the contributions by Porter et al, the matter of the Greek verb has not been settled. The full article can be viewed online at https://sebts.academia.edu/GregoryLamb


Presbyterion (Covenant Theological Seminary) (website: https://www.covenantseminary.edu/publications/)