When Was Jesus Really Born?: Early Christianity, the Calendar, and the Life of Jesus

Bibliographic information:

Ware, Steven L. When was Jesus Really Born?: Early Christianity, the Calendar, and the Life of Jesus Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2013.



When was Jesus born? When did he die and rise from the grave? What does the timing of these events have to do with Christian theology and practice for the last 2,000 years? When Was Jesus Really Born? explores the issues faced by early Christians as they sought to proclaim and celebrate the most important events in human history–the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Contrary to the prevailing tendency of Christians to emphasize only the spiritual meaning of Jesus’ life, this book focuses on the unmistakable quality of historicity and chronology in the event of the life of Jesus, and how the events of his life were later celebrated by his followers. More particularly, it is an attempt to understand more accurately one of those historical aspects–the essential chronological dates of Jesus’ life.

Includes illustrations, appendices, glossary, bibliography, and comprehensive indices of Scripture, dates, and subjects.


Concordia Publishing House (website: http://www.cph.org/p-22931-when-was-jesus-really-born-early-christianity-the-calendar-and-the-life-of-jesus.aspx)