Bibliographic information:
Davis, John P. Who are the Heirs of the Abrahamic Covenant? Eugene, OR: Resource Publications, 2022.
Evangelicals debate the answer to the question, “Who are the heirs of the Abrahamic covenant?” This book offers a brief summary of the major evangelical approaches to the covenant, an exegesis of the covenant, and a discussion on some of the hermeneutical issues related to the interpretation of the covenant. In this book, the Abrahamic covenant is viewed as God’s answer to the failures of Gen 1–11. In those chapters, the seed of mankind became corrupted through the fall, the land was cursed with a consequent loss of man’s dominion over it, and the divine-human relationship was ruptured. The Abrahamic covenant restores to all of believing mankind, regardless of ethnicity, the promise of seed, land, and divine-human relationship.
Resource Publications (website: