Death in Second-Century Christian Thought The Meaning of Death in Earliest Christianity Death in Second-Century Christian Thought The Meaning of Death in Earliest Christianity - Jeremiah Mutie
The Star and the Magi in Jacob of Serugh and the Early Syriac Tradition The Star and the Magi in Jacob of Serugh and the Early Syriac Tradition - Daniel McConaughy
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Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Edessa and Jerusalem Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Edessa and Jerusalem - Jonathan Loopstra
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Aphrahat on the Role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian Life Aphrahat on the Role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian Life - Daniel McConaughy
Early Witnesses to the Syriac Text of Acts Chapter Fifteen, Verses 20 and 29 Early Witnesses to the Syriac Text of Acts Chapter Fifteen, Verses 20 and 29 - Daniel McConaughy
The Therapeutic Nature of Grace in St. Augustine’s De Gratia et Libero Arbitri The Therapeutic Nature of Grace in St. Augustine’s De Gratia et Libero Arbitri - thomas.holtzen