Genre-Specific Biblical Interpretation in 1 Peter Genre-Specific Biblical Interpretation in 1 Peter - jatkinson18665
Authorship of 1 Peter and Hebrews: New Evidence in Light of Probable Intertextual Borrowing Authorship of 1 Peter and Hebrews: New Evidence in Light of Probable Intertextual Borrowing - lizm
Intertextual Borrowing between 1 Peter and Hebrews: Probability of Literary Dependence and the Most Likely Direction of Borrowing Intertextual Borrowing between 1 Peter and Hebrews: Probability of Literary Dependence and the Most Likely Direction of Borrowing - lizm
“Saint Peter as ‘Sympresbyteros’: Mimetic Desire, Discipleship, and Education” “Saint Peter as ‘Sympresbyteros’: Mimetic Desire, Discipleship, and Education” - gregorylamb
First Peter’s Identity Theology and the Community of Faith: A Test-Case in How Social Scientific Criticism Can Assist with Theological Ethics via Biblical Theology First Peter’s Identity Theology and the Community of Faith: A Test-Case in How Social Scientific Criticism Can Assist with Theological Ethics via Biblical Theology - Paul Himes
Why Did Peter Change the Septuagint? A Reexamination of the Significance of the Use of Τίθημι in 1 Peter2:6 Why Did Peter Change the Septuagint? A Reexamination of the Significance of the Use of Τίθημι in 1 Peter2:6 - Paul Himes
Foreknowledge and Social Identity in 1 Peter Foreknowledge and Social Identity in 1 Peter - Paul Himes
Defending Hope: Semiotics and Intertextuality in 1 Peter Defending Hope: Semiotics and Intertextuality in 1 Peter - justin.langford