“(You’re) The Devil in Disguise: The Theme of Disguise in 1 Samuel and 1 Kings” “(You’re) The Devil in Disguise: The Theme of Disguise in 1 Samuel and 1 Kings” - Timothy Yap
“Eye-Opening Dinners with a Dead prophet, a Beauty, and a Witch: The Influence of Samuel in 1 Samuel 25 and 28 via the Motifs of Food and `Seeing’” “Eye-Opening Dinners with a Dead prophet, a Beauty, and a Witch: The Influence of Samuel in 1 Samuel 25 and 28 via the Motifs of Food and `Seeing’” - Timothy Yap
Our Representational Reign: Royal Leadership in the United Monarchy Our Representational Reign: Royal Leadership in the United Monarchy - jmichaelthigpen
“According to Which ‘Law of Moses’? Cult Centralization in Samuel, Kings and Chronicles.” “According to Which ‘Law of Moses’? Cult Centralization in Samuel, Kings and Chronicles.” - Benjamin Giffone