A Theocentric Interpretation of הדעת טוב ורע: The Knowledge of Good and Evil as the Knowledge for Administering Reward and Punishment A Theocentric Interpretation of הדעת טוב ורע: The Knowledge of Good and Evil as the Knowledge for Administering Reward and Punishment - Nathan French
Hani Ibrahim: Kitabı Mukaddes ve Kur’an’daki İbrahim Öykülerine Karşılaştırmalı İlahiyat Yaklaşımı (Sharing Abraham? Narrative Worldview, Biblical and Qur’anic Interpretation, and Comparative Theology in Turkey) Hani Ibrahim: Kitabı Mukaddes ve Kur’an’daki İbrahim Öykülerine Karşılaştırmalı İlahiyat Yaklaşımı (Sharing Abraham? Narrative Worldview, Biblical and Qur’anic Interpretation, and Comparative Theology in Turkey) - George Bristow
‘In Our Image’: Our Creational Identity and Economic Conflict ‘In Our Image’: Our Creational Identity and Economic Conflict - J Michael Thigpen
“Flourishing, Justice, and the Gospel as “Subduing” the Earth.” “Flourishing, Justice, and the Gospel as “Subduing” the Earth.” - J Michael Thigpen
Genesis 12:1-25:11: From the Messianic Promise of the Seed of the Woman to the indepth Look of the Salvific Plan of God Genesis 12:1-25:11: From the Messianic Promise of the Seed of the Woman to the indepth Look of the Salvific Plan of God - alankam-yau.chan
The Promise of the Seed of the Woman: The Prologue of Salvation Narrative: Genesis 1-11 (Translated from Chinese title) The Promise of the Seed of the Woman: The Prologue of Salvation Narrative: Genesis 1-11 (Translated from Chinese title) - alankam-yau.chan
The Plot-structure of Genesis: ‘Will the Righteous Seed Survive?’ in the Muthos-logical Movement from Complication to Dénouement The Plot-structure of Genesis: ‘Will the Righteous Seed Survive?’ in the Muthos-logical Movement from Complication to Dénouement - todd.patterson