The End of the Incarnation: John Owen, Trinitarian Agency and Christology The End of the Incarnation: John Owen, Trinitarian Agency and Christology - Tyler Wittman
Transformed in Christ: Christology and the Christian Life in John Chrysostom Transformed in Christ: Christology and the Christian Life in John Chrysostom - ashish.naidu
Διπλην Επαγγελιαν in Athanasius’s Christology: A Methodology to Counter Kenotic Notions of the Incarnation Διπλην Επαγγελιαν in Athanasius’s Christology: A Methodology to Counter Kenotic Notions of the Incarnation - doros.zachariades
Theology of religion in flux: on Paul F. Knitter’s soteriologic shift culminating in mutualism Theology of religion in flux: on Paul F. Knitter’s soteriologic shift culminating in mutualism - Erik Clary
“Not the Creche but the Cross: Christmas is but Servant to Easter” “Not the Creche but the Cross: Christmas is but Servant to Easter” - Frank W