Revisiting the Somatic Death Objection to Penal Substitution: Original Sin and the Nature of Consequences Revisiting the Somatic Death Objection to Penal Substitution: Original Sin and the Nature of Consequences - ChrisWoznicki
A Constructively Critical Conversation between Nonviolent and Substitutionary Perspectives on Atonement Theological Motifs and Christological Implications A Constructively Critical Conversation between Nonviolent and Substitutionary Perspectives on Atonement Theological Motifs and Christological Implications - ahnjoshua
When History Teaches Us Nothing: The Recent Reformed Sonship Debate in Context When History Teaches Us Nothing: The Recent Reformed Sonship Debate in Context - tim.trumper
“The Untrammeled Development of Our Life: Toward a Pentecostal Theology of Common Grace” “The Untrammeled Development of Our Life: Toward a Pentecostal Theology of Common Grace” - ButlerGeoffrey
Martin Luther’s Theology of Beauty: Reconsidering the “Hiddenness” and “Alien Work” of God Martin Luther’s Theology of Beauty: Reconsidering the “Hiddenness” and “Alien Work” of God - zjking2
The Moral Governmental Theory of Atonement: Re-envisioning Penal Substitution The Moral Governmental Theory of Atonement: Re-envisioning Penal Substitution - ObbieTT
“One Can’t Believe Impossible Things”: A New Defence of Penal Substitutionary Atonement in Light of the Legal Concepts of Vicarious Liability and Respondeat Superior “One Can’t Believe Impossible Things”: A New Defence of Penal Substitutionary Atonement in Light of the Legal Concepts of Vicarious Liability and Respondeat Superior - ChrisWoznicki
The Coherence of Penal Substitution: An Edwardsean Defence The Coherence of Penal Substitution: An Edwardsean Defence - ChrisWoznicki
The Augustinian Perspective on the Transmission of Original Sin and Assisted Reproductive Technologies The Augustinian Perspective on the Transmission of Original Sin and Assisted Reproductive Technologies - cristinarichie