Praxis doxológica de Is 42,8-9 y su alcance ecológico Praxis doxológica de Is 42,8-9 y su alcance ecológico - Frank W
“The Significance of Three Narrative Parallels of Men and Women in Luke 1, John 3—4, and Acts 9” “The Significance of Three Narrative Parallels of Men and Women in Luke 1, John 3—4, and Acts 9” - David Malick
Schleiermacher on the Necessity of the Church Schleiermacher on the Necessity of the Church - Frank W
Empire Here or Hereafter? A Postcolonial Reading of the Wisdom of Solomon Empire Here or Hereafter? A Postcolonial Reading of the Wisdom of Solomon - Daniel Timmer
Exchanging Symbols for Symbolic Exchange: Towards a Realistic, Ecumenical, Reformed Sacramental Theology Exchanging Symbols for Symbolic Exchange: Towards a Realistic, Ecumenical, Reformed Sacramental Theology - Frank W
Transformative Models: Economic Modeling, Relational Ontology, and the Image of God Transformative Models: Economic Modeling, Relational Ontology, and the Image of God - D. Glenn Butner
“Navigating Life in a World that has Been Scarred by the Fall: Reflections on Ecclesiastes 9:7–10 and Living in a World of Suffering” “Navigating Life in a World that has Been Scarred by the Fall: Reflections on Ecclesiastes 9:7–10 and Living in a World of Suffering” - bob.mccabe
The Parable of the Prodigal Father: An Interpretative Key to the Third Gospel (Luke 15:11-32) The Parable of the Prodigal Father: An Interpretative Key to the Third Gospel (Luke 15:11-32) - Frank W
Sin Seizing an Opportunity through the Commandments: The Law in 1 Tim 1:8-11 and Rom 6-8 Sin Seizing an Opportunity through the Commandments: The Law in 1 Tim 1:8-11 and Rom 6-8 - dillont83
“On the Development of Historical Criticism.” “On the Development of Historical Criticism.” - Russell Meek