“Flourishing, Justice, and the Gospel as “Subduing” the Earth.” “Flourishing, Justice, and the Gospel as “Subduing” the Earth.” - J Michael Thigpen
Biblical Theology for Oral Cultures in World Mission Biblical Theology for Oral Cultures in World Mission - Brad Vaughn
Between Two Worlds: The Functional and Symbolic Significance of the High Priestly Regalia Between Two Worlds: The Functional and Symbolic Significance of the High Priestly Regalia - Carmen Imes
Préface de Thomas L. Holtzen for John Henry Newman, Conférences sur la Doctrine de la Justification Préface de Thomas L. Holtzen for John Henry Newman, Conférences sur la Doctrine de la Justification - thomas.holtzen
“Christology, Greco-Roman Religious Piety, and the Pseudonymity of the Pastoral Letters” “Christology, Greco-Roman Religious Piety, and the Pseudonymity of the Pastoral Letters” - Linda Belleville
Romans 12:1-15:13 How Then Should We Live? Romans 12:1-15:13 How Then Should We Live? - Linda Belleville
The Sinai-Mεσίτης Tradition in Galatians 3:19-20. The Sinai-Mεσίτης Tradition in Galatians 3:19-20. - Linda Belleville