“Paul’s Unique Appeal to Mimesis in Gal 4,12” “Paul’s Unique Appeal to Mimesis in Gal 4,12” - Frank W
Rewriting the Gospel for Oral Cultures: Why Honor-Shame are Essential to the Gospel Story Rewriting the Gospel for Oral Cultures: Why Honor-Shame are Essential to the Gospel Story - Brad Vaughn
“‘Appareled in Christ’: Union with Christ in the Soteriology of John Jewel.” “‘Appareled in Christ’: Union with Christ in the Soteriology of John Jewel.” - Andre Gazal
“Christian prophecy and canon in the second century: A response to B. B. Warfield.” “Christian prophecy and canon in the second century: A response to B. B. Warfield.” - Gary Shogren
“The gift of tongues in the post-apostolic church: a rejoinder to Cleon Rogers” “The gift of tongues in the post-apostolic church: a rejoinder to Cleon Rogers” - Gary Shogren
Lactantius as Architect of a Constantinian and Christian ‘Victory over the Empire’ Lactantius as Architect of a Constantinian and Christian ‘Victory over the Empire’ - W. Brian Shelton
Patristic Heresiology: The Difficulties of Reliability and Legitimacy Patristic Heresiology: The Difficulties of Reliability and Legitimacy - W. Brian Shelton
“The Meaning of Hebel in Ecclesiastes: An Intertextual Suggestion.” “The Meaning of Hebel in Ecclesiastes: An Intertextual Suggestion.” - Russell Meek