The Star and the Magi in Jacob of Serugh and the Early Syriac Tradition The Star and the Magi in Jacob of Serugh and the Early Syriac Tradition - Daniel McConaughy
James: An Exegetical Guide for Preaching and Teaching James: An Exegetical Guide for Preaching and Teaching - Herbert Bateman
Psalms Volume 1: The Wisdom Psalms: A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching Psalms Volume 1: The Wisdom Psalms: A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching - Walter Marlowe
Topical Preaching in A Complex World: How to Preach Truth and Relevance at the Same Time Topical Preaching in A Complex World: How to Preach Truth and Relevance at the Same Time - Frank W
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“Shared Christian Religious Identity, Religiousness, and Marital Satisfaction” “Shared Christian Religious Identity, Religiousness, and Marital Satisfaction” - Ryan.Fraser
Some New Insights and a Note Regarding Alexander Jannaeus Anchor/Star (TJC Group L) Coins. Some New Insights and a Note Regarding Alexander Jannaeus Anchor/Star (TJC Group L) Coins. - Kevin Larsen