The Southeast Region

North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama.

Regional Officers

Benjamin Merkle, Chairman (

Peter Link, Secretary/Treasurer (

2025 ETS Southeast Regional Meeting

Downloadable pdf

Location: Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC

Theme: “Nicaea: 1700 Years of Gospel Confession”

Plenary Speaker: Steve McKinion

Dates: Friday – Saturday, March 7–8, 2025

Paper Submission Deadline: January 24, 2025

Dr. Steve McKinion, Biography:  Dr. McKinion is the Director of PhD and ThM studies and Professor of Theology and Patristic Studies at Southeastern. He specializes in Early Christian theological method and biblical interpretation, as well as Christology and Trinitarian Theology. His desire is to help the contemporary church rediscover and retrieve the depth of Early Christian Theology. His books include Life and Practice in the Early ChurchA Reconstruction of Cyril of Alexandria’s ChristologyAncient Christian Commentary on Scripture: Isaiah, and Sharing Jesus without Freaking Out.

ETS members of any rank are welcome to propose papers for the conference. These may follow the conference theme or deal with other areas of Bible and theology. The deadline for paper proposals will be January 24, 2025. Please see the information below to register for the meeting and submit paper proposals.

Meeting Details:

Registration: SE Region Meeting Registration 

Presenters and attenders must register for the conference. Early registration ends on February 14, 2025 (prices increase after this date).

Early Registration Rates (through February 14, 2025)
Full Members: $45
Student Members: $30
Guests: $55
Spouses: $15

Regular Registration Rates
Full Members: $60
Student Members: $45
Guests: $65
Spouses: $15

Check-in will begin at 11:00am on Friday, March 7th and the conference will end at 1pm on Saturday, March 8th.

All ticket prices include the Friday night banquet.

Paper proposals: ETS members of any rank and any region are welcome to submit a paper proposal. Please email your proposal with your name, title of paper, and institution to no later than January 24, 2025.

Student Paper Competition: Student ETS members attending schools within the Southeast region (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee) are invited to enter a completed paper for the competition. Papers 15–20 pages in length must be submitted (by February 15, 2025) as a PDF document to the email address above. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place papers ($250, $150, $100, respectively).



11:30AM to 1:00 PM Check-in and Registration

Lunch is available for purchase on campus at Magnolia Kitchen.

1:00 – 2:15 pm First Plenary Session

2:30 – 3:10 pm Paper Session 1

3:20 – 4:00 pm Paper Session 2

4:10 – 4:50 pm  Paper Session 3

5:00 – 5:40 pm Paper Session 4

6:00 – 7:30 pm  Banquet and Second Plenary Session

7:45 – 8:30 pm  Q&A with Dr. McKinion


8:30 – 9:10 am  Paper Session 5

9:20 – 10:00 am  Paper Session 6

10:10 – 10:50 am  Paper Session 7

11:00 – 11:30 am  ETS Business Meeting

11:30 am – 12:30 pm  Third Plenary Session

12:30 Dismissal

Location, Meals, and Accommodations
The Southeast Regional meeting will take place on the campus of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary at 120 South Wingate Street, Wake Forest NC 27587. Check-in and Registration open at 11:00 AM in Jacumin-Simpson Missions Building. Please follow signage to parking on campus.

Click here for a map of the campus.

Lunch is available for purchase in Magnolia Kitchen on Friday. For other meal options, there are several restaurants just a few minutes away from campus.

Hotel Information

For overnight lodging, we have a number of places with reserved rooms and special rates for conference attendees. Feel free to utilize the link to reserve your hotel. If you choose to call, please mention that you are visiting Southeastern Seminary, and they will be sure to provide you with the right rate.

Tru by Hilton is located about five minutes away (12315 Hampton Way Drive, Wake Forest, North Carolina, 27587), with rates starting at $109.00. You can book a reservation for Tru by Hilton via this link.

Holiday Inn Express is located about five minutes from campus (11400 Common Oaks Drive, Raleigh, NC 27614), with rates starting at $85.00. You can book a reservation for Holiday Inn Express via this link. When booking, select the dates March 7–8, 2025, and the discounted rate will be displayed.

Fairfield Inn & Suites is located about five minutes from campus (12051 Retail Dr, Wake Forest, NC 27587), with rates starting at $120. You can book a reservation for Fairfield Inn & Suites via this link.

For questions regarding paper submission, please contact Ben Merkle at

For questions regarding logistics or travel, please contact Jeremy Smith at

Map to Southeastern Seminary